Example sentences of "be reject [prep] the court " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Mandela 's statement read by Mr Ayob said the allegations concerning Dr Asvat were a ‘ rehash ’ of evidence given at her Supreme Court trial which had been rejected by the court .
2 This view has now been rejected by the Court of Appeal .
3 Although the interpretation of Article 3 of the Directive , which is rejected by the Court but which is the one embodied in Regulation 5 of the UK Regulations , is characterised by the Court as threatening ‘ the fundamental rights of the worker ’ to choose for whom he or she will work , the Court 's interpretation is phrased in negative terms .
4 GORDON Rushton , the Ffestiniog Railway 's General Manager , said : ‘ The first point is that FR is simply following the terms of the High Court judgement and the second point is that Gwynedd County Council 's application to take over the lease was rejected by the court .
5 The first , whereby she claimed reproduction rights on the works from her father 's collection and demanded the confiscation of the 40,000 catalogues published by the Pompidou Centre , was rejected by the court on 5 March .
6 The United Kingdom 's right of diplomatic protection of the Company may have influenced this argument , which was rejected by the Court .
7 This was rejected by the court which simply stated that it had no power to consider the validity of an Act of Parliament .
8 The employers pleaded volenti non fit injuria but this was rejected by the court .
9 This was rejected by the court , which refused to read the words , so far as reasonably practical , into the statute .
10 However , this argument was rejected by the Court of Appeal .
11 Lord Denning 's view of the law of qualified privilege was rejected by the Court of Appeal in Blackshaw v Lord .
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