Example sentences of "be begin to appear [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 A few neon signs are beginning to appear on the larger buildings advertising the usual Western wares such as Levi jeans .
2 Much the same is true of the UK , although a few case-studies of school-based evaluation activities are beginning to appear in the literature .
3 The qualities of independence , singularity of viewpoint , and readiness to move far afield in pursuit of his inner wishes ( a characteristic of his father 's early career ) were beginning to appear in the son .
4 The scenery was fascinating ; mountains were beginning to appear in the distance , beckoning to her with a blue , misty enchantment , to which she responded with a longing she could n't believe she possessed .
5 Now here on the left London is beginning to appear beyond the rooftops , lying wide and blue and docile at my feet .
6 The bookshop was still open , and now , in addition to the paperbacks , the little magazines , and the Village Voice , the new wave of American papers was beginning to appear on the shelves .
7 Dawn was beginning to appear through the trees .
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