Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [prep] 12 months " in BNC.

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1 This means that it will in practice terminate at the earlier of ( i ) the next AGM of the company and ( ii ) the expiry of 12 months after the passing of the resolution .
2 Insurers say a non-smoker is someone who has not puffed the weed for 12 months and does n't plan smoking again .
3 It is recorded somewhat ruefully that , after years of struggle , when the Veterinarian had won its fight to get the course lengthened , students who had previously been apprenticed for three or four years to a practitioner claimed they at least ought to be able to leave the College after 12 months , and not have to stay the same period — two years — as the non-apprenticed .
4 It 's a chance for the gifted featherweight to erase the memory of the humiliation suffered in the Barcelona Olympics when he found himself barred from the sport for 12 months .
5 It 's a chance for the gifted featherweight to erase the memory of the humiliation suffered in the Barcelona Olympics when he found himself barred from the sport for 12 months .
6 A third defendant , Keith Bunting , 23 , of Ashley Road , Dovercourt , denies using threatening or insulting behaviour and resisting arrest while a fourth , Damon Wait , 17 , of Victoria Road , Dovercourt , agreed to be bound over in the sum of £50 to keep the peace for 12 months .
7 We aim to complete the groundwork within 12 months but hope that concurrently British urologists will agree to work together in a randomised study of treatment for prostatic cancer confined to the organ .
8 Held , allowing the appeal , that on its true construction section 87 of the Act of 1985 required that the successor to a tenancy should have resided with the tenant during the period of 12 months ending with the tenant 's death , but did not require the residence to have taken place for the whole of that period in the premises to which succession was claimed ; and that , accordingly , the defendant was entitled to succeed to his deceased brother 's tenancy ( post , pp. 133B–E , 135C–F ) .
9 ‘ A person is qualified to succeed the tenant under a secure tenancy if he occupies the dwelling-house as his only or principal home at the time of the tenant 's death and either — ( a ) he is the tenant 's spouse , or ( b ) he is another member of the tenant 's family and has resided with the tenant throughout the period of 12 months ending with the tenant 's death ; …
10 The defendant now claims to have succeeded to Webster 's secure tenancy of 336 , Stocksfield Road under section 87 of the Act of 1985 because ( a ) he occupied 336 , Stocksfield Road as his only home when his brother died ; ( b ) he was a member of the brother 's family and ( c ) he had resided with his brother throughout the period of 12 months ending with his brother 's death .
11 In order to qualify , a successor must have resided with the tenant during the period of 12 months ending with the tenant 's death .
12 The section only requires residence with the tenant for the period of 12 months and I see no justification for implying any other requirement .
13 Section 87 requires that the successor shall occupy the council house as his home at the death of the tenant and shall have resided with the tenant during ‘ the period of 12 months ending with the tenant 's death . ’
14 It does not matter whether the successor and the tenant resided together in one or more houses or whether the residences were all council houses provided they resided together in a council house at the moment of death and provided that the successor and the tenant resided together during the period of 12 months prior to the death of the tenant .
15 For example Bergmann et al , 1978 found that 38 per cent of a sample of 83 patients with organic mental disorder referred to a day hospital assessment unit lived alone ; and the authors concluded , after following up the sample for 12 months , that those who lived alone were least likely to be maintained at home for that period of time even with substantial support from social services , and recommended that resources should be concentrated on those who lived with their families .
16 Microgen Holdings Plc is moving into Norway : its Capella AB Swedish subsidiary is paying the equivalent of £1.14m , £950,000 of it upfront , the rest after 12 months , for the computer output microfilm business of EDB A/S : the business has annual turnover running at about £2.85m , and assets are valued at £76,000 .
17 In theory children over the age of 12 months could just use an adult seat belt .
18 At Duns Sheriff Court , Sheriff James Paterson warned 34-year-old Mary Warnock , of Stobswood , Duns , that unless she made substantial inroads to the total within 12 months , she would face a prison sentence .
19 In the space of 12 months the War Office built 25,000 pillboxes — almost a quarter of which still survive — and erected hundreds of miles of concrete anti-tank defences .
20 Where Janice is concerned , Stevely said he had watched , almost spellbound , as she turned , in the space of 12 months , from " a seemingly ordinary nine handicapper " into the Scottish Girls ' Champion she is today .
21 It is the third such raid in the space of 12 months .
22 Clinicare , which does not require a medical examination on application , also covers existing illness after 24 months of continuous insurance — provided you have not visited the doctor for 12 months .
23 For instance , at Cadbury Schweppes , employees agree to return any part of their disturbance allowance which has not been spent on items specified in the relocation policy by the end of 12 months from the date of receiving the allowance .
24 By the end of 12 months the first group recorded 20 per cent lower medical claims than the other two , and the savings amounted to six times the cost of the health promotion package they had received .
25 However , wherever possible , within this firm we aim to be in a position to decide whether to issue proceedings , if an acceptable offer of settlement has not been made , by the end of 12 months .
26 In theory the exporter can present the letter to the bank for payment at the end of 12 months .
27 The Romans divided the year into 12 months and added an extra day to February in Leap Years .
28 But Beaumont is already confident that the eight-year-old will make a bold bid to pull off the feat in 12 months ' time .
29 Employees at Brown & Root must repay all their disturbance allowance and housing assistance grant if they leave the company within 12 months of moving and 50 per cent of this total assistance if they leave between 12 months and two years of the relocation .
30 Decision : the sole ground of appeal was that in sentencing the appellant to 12 months detention in a young offender institution , the maximum term for an offender aged 16 , the sentencer had not allowed any discount for his plea of guilty .
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