Example sentences of "pay more than a " in BNC.

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1 At regional level the western states have for months managed to wriggle out of paying more than a fraction of the growing unity bill .
2 Both sides are gambling because the defendant may be paying more than a judge would award at trial .
3 In his amateur days he was an ‘ eviction technician ’ ( a fashionable euphemism for bouncer ) but such work is regarded as unseemly for the standard bearer of a sport which prides itself in its healthy clean-living image , and he now supplements his income from the few competitions which pay more than a pittance by personal appearances .
4 Central party funds could not pay more than a tiny proportion of the total cost of running a local association in every constituency ; not paying the piper they were unable to call the tune .
5 If you are getting income support and you have high fuel charges at a fixed rate , you will not have to pay more than a maximum fixed amount .
6 For instance , a concert attracting 70,000 at Wembley would have to pay more than a gig at the sock and Warthog in the High street .
7 Although this represents a greater increase ( £7 ) than in the other categories , it seems only fair that two single adults should not have to pay more than a family .
8 ‘ It can not be right that a tenant in Middlesbrough , where housing is cheap , pays more than a tenant in Camden , where costs are very much higher , where well-paid jobs are much easier to come by , and there is such a concentration of commercial facilities . ’
9 Apparently it is not intended to decide that a bowler with a long run pays more than a dashing opening batsman , but rather to ensure that a highly-paid Test cricketer does not necessarily pay the same amount as a young uncapped player .
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