Example sentences of "pay [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was piece work , and I earned I er The firm payed me as a retaining fee , ten shillings a week , and then was what I earned , you see ?
2 well if you think you might get some money at the end of the season , he said , you may find that you 'll be paying them at the end of the season !
3 Every other week after that you paid them at the end every week ,
4 That is the same price Leeds council paid them in the mid 1980 's and about £2.5m less than the local authority are looking for now .
5 included in mine , so it meant that they paid me for the summer holidays cos I did n't officially really
6 ‘ Oh , in cash , he paid me on the same day , insisted on doing so .
7 His own company had been paid his freelance fee by the BBC and he was taxed on what he paid himself as a salary from the company 's turnover .
8 That covers you for us paying you in the next week .
9 The richly-dressed one who paid you over the odds ? ’
10 He did not , as he said on 9 December 1958 , when as owner of Be Careful he spoke at the Gimcrack dinner , object to bookmakers paying something towards the racing industry 's expenses .
11 ( In this particular area of using dictionaries in catalogue systems , the only precedent of which I am aware is of a university paying something in the region of $40–50,000 . )
12 The boy showed little talent for the business and hardly earned the £2 10s Mr Marshall paid him at the end of the week .
13 Sometimes he would be able to hire a premium artist , one who paid him for the privilege of playing .
14 I paid him in the end , yeah .
15 Francie paid him from a thick but grimy roll of notes .
16 I paid her for the call , and stayed chatting for a while , answering her queries about the cottage and then telling her of my brother 's expected arrival , and the possibility that he might telephone with a message .
17 She had found Doreen at an early stage , and paid her over the odds to keep the house running smoothly .
18 Until Charlie paid her at the end of the week , Lucy would again be in her usual flat-broke condition .
19 Exactly and if you do n't pay it , and there are a few silly old so and sos not paying it at the moment , I mean the rest of us have had to pa
20 If somebody takes a Covermaster plan out at twenty five , we expect them to be paying it for a long time , if he takes it out at fifty five , we expect him to pay less .
21 So really erm er you 'd have to be a bit careful if you were doing that , and er I think the revenue would be pretty iffy about you holding money and paying it to a third party .
22 British Aerospace WO N'T have to repay almost forty-five million pounds which the Government paid it as an inducement to buy the Rover car company .
23 Paid it through the court .
24 During his two years as Second Secretary , Administration , in Kingston , Jamaica , when he had responsibility for the accounts , he withdrew $150,000 from the Commission 's US dollar account and paid it into a personal account in America .
25 Macnaghten J. dealt with the question whether the action is maintainable on the ground of the principle of Foakes v. Beer ( above , p.240 ) , to which I have referred , and he says : ‘ In the present case the jury , by their verdict , have found that on July 6 Mr. Kennard made an offer that if , on the following day , the plaintiff obtained the money and paid it into a bank at Eastbourne with instructions to remit it to the account of Stanley Evans & Co. at the Law Courts branch of the Bank of England , he would not serve the bankruptcy notice .
26 It is obviously irrelevant to speculate on what if anything was in the mind of the clerk or other subordinate officer who actually received the money , or in the mind of the officer ( whoever he or she may have been ) who paid it into the bank to the defendants ' credit .
27 ‘ They paid it in the day before .
28 He paid it in the same spirit that he washed himself-obsessively .
29 so I paid it in the November , the second of December they announce me redundancy do n't they ?
30 and if we paid it before the end of January
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