Example sentences of "include under the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Generally speaking , we shall include under the notion of a man 's property in its widest sense all rights which are capable of being transferred to others , of being made available for payment of his debts , or of passing to his representatives on his death .
2 The Northern Dairy Shorthorn is officially a rare breed in Britain , though it is sometimes included under the Dairy Shorthorn umbrella in that it is registered in the Coates herdbook , albeit with a separate code to identify the bloodlines .
3 some course leaders ' definition of ‘ enterprise ’ differed from that given by the Enterprise Centre — a number believe that a particular industry 's skills should be included under the umbrella of enterprise .
4 In essence , such removal grants cover similar items to those usually included under the heading disturbance allowance .
5 Well , if we had been a little more realistic , we would have included another item in the expenditure side — wasted time , which some of you may have included under the heading private study !
6 Since reform was now unavoidable it must be made certain that Ireland would be included under the redistribution clauses and that the House of Lords should be restored to entrench resistance to Labour .
7 Perhaps for the sake of brevity , although not for precision and clarity , it is not unusual in some catalogues and lists to find some species roses included under the rambler heading , which like R. wichuraiana , have the same sprawling habit and are sufficiently vigorous to get up into trees .
8 There are a number of different groupings , which may be included under the rubric of social movement : neighbourhood councils , which include the gamut of barrio and community organisations aimed at solving problems of urban facilities and also those that are concerned with living standards , particularly in the form of rising prices of food , transport and other necessities ; women 's movements , which have become particularly prominant in Grenada and Nicaragua , but which also exist in more localised forms in other countries ; human rights groups , which have become so well-known on a national scale in Argentina , but are also active at neighbourhood level as for example in São Paulo , where one was formed in 1978 in the barrio of São Miguel after one of the inhabitants was victimised by police brutality ( Singer 1982 ) ; CEBs , as described in Chapter 4 , are spreading now throughout the continent ; regional movements have emerged in countries where the interests of one region have been subordinated to those of other areas as in Peru ; and political protest groups , which in the extreme become guerrilla groups , such as Sendero Luminoso in Peru .
9 Pace the unjustified slur , naming 10 famous Belgians is easy , even if the Singing Nun , the Mannekin Pis and Hercule Poirot are declared ineligible ( and Jacques Brel counts five of most other countries ' famous people in our book ) — and there could just be another one soon , in the person of Finance Minister Philippe Maystadt , who could become the father of a whole new economics after his proposal that Belgium levy a robot tax on factory machines to get humans back to work : it 's a great idea , and why not take it further and ban construction machinery from the roads to get the shovels back into navvies ' hands — and no doubt computers can be included under the tax , so that in no time , in a dramatic return to Victorian values , while the Belgian economy may not actually start booming , the country will have the world 's biggest quill pen industry .
10 Both wet and dry deposition are implicitly included under the term ‘ acid rain' and so a better term would be ‘ acid deposition ’ .
11 Grants should be available to all MPs — including under the RES list MPs — for the provision and the staffing of a local office .
12 Secondly , we may well doubt that the reconciliation of opposites is really a sound principle for defining poetry , whether it is truly applicable to all the texts one would wish to include under the heading of poetry or good literature .
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