Example sentences of "include [noun pl] for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , a report by a working group of the National Medical Consultative Committee in 1989 saw ‘ merit in the development in Scotland of the concept of inpatient care based on a ‘ mental health campus ’ ’ which would include units for assessment and short term care , medium to long term care , and special facilities for adults with behavioural problems due to brain damage combined with multiple physical disabilities .
2 Nevertheless … mathematics at all levels should include possibilities for exposition by the teacher , discussion between teacher and pupils and between the pupils themselves , appropriate practical work , consideration and practice of fundamental skills and fortunes , problem solving including application of Mathematics to everyday situations , investigational work .
3 ( c ) The claim may not include damages for damage to the defective product itself .
4 We agree that the specific algorithm we used wold have been inappropriate if we were interested in examining seasonal or short-term changes in primary production , not because the algorithm does not include a grazing term but because it does not include terms for irradiance and quantum efficiency .
5 This policy should also include procedures for action when a neonate is discovered missing .
6 The fee for burial does not include charges for grave-digging , which may be carried out by a parochial officer ( in which case the vicar sets the charge ) , or by a grave-digger hired by the funeral director .
7 He also repeated an argument put forward several times recently by the Scottish Office that a farmer 's net income , which can include allowances for rent and depreciation , and where , for example , transport and housing costs may be apportioned to the business , can not be compared directly with the average UK wage .
8 With reference to the application to erect 2 retail units at the Bus Depot , Whitburn Road , Bathgate , we would be grateful if the development could include racks for cycle parking .
9 These included convictions for law and order offences or offences relating to " moral turpitude " .
10 The first type is public-service calls , which includes requests for information , such as airport flight times and advice over legal matters , and community service tasks , such as signing passports , pushing ( and sometimes towing ) broken-down cars , giving lifts to young children and youths late at night , and making a point of driving around areas of Easton to reassure , by their presence , worried Old Age Pensioners or other members of the public .
11 This sector also includes outworkers for manufacturing and repair operations , who sub-contract work to do in their own homes or small workshops such as shoe manufacturers ( Peattie 1982 ) ; beggars who are often more organised than they appear ( Ruiz-Perez 1979 ) ; prostitutes ; garbage pickers who can sell various types of waste paper , refuse and bottles ; the living-in domestic servants paid low wages and provided with board and lodging who , according to Lloyd , constitute a category which is included within the informal sector by default ( Lloyd 1982 ) , and others who work on some sort of irregular basis .
12 The software also includes libraries for instrument control , data analysis and data presentation .
13 At the new Department of National Heritage , dubbed the ‘ Ministry of Fun ’ because it includes responsibilities for sport and the arts , Mr Robert Key becomes Parliamentary Under-Secretary .
14 This includes sources for information on noise and fire , as well as advice on the law and occupational health .
15 This includes charges for registration , tuition , supervision and examination .
16 It includes drawings for wall decorations , tapestries , silverware , stage designs and even a triumphal car .
17 His criminal record includes convictions for assault and dangerous driving .
18 But the commission wants it to include recipes for worker participation , an idea tried in the rejected Vredeling proposal of the early 1980s .
19 Some months before the 1983 council elections the Labour Campaign for Gay Rights group in Nottingham initiated a debate among the lesbian and gay groups in the city , resulting in the publication of a charter , ‘ A Fair Deal For Gays ’ , which included proposals for council action around employment practices , housing , leisure services , etc .
20 Other " get out clauses " included requests for information which might involve the supply of " unfinished documents " .
21 Examples included demands for payment , notices to quit , protests in connection with bills of exchange , and written consents to adoption or to marriage .
22 Members of the Β 1 subfamily include receptors for fibronectin ( VLA-3 , VLA-4 , VLA-5 , and the α v Β 1 complex ) , laminin ( VLA-1 , VLA-2 , VLA-3 , VLA-6 , and VLA-7 ) and collagen types I and IV ( VLA-1 , VLA-2 , and VLA-3 ) .
23 Park explained ‘ we include brake-vans for passenger trains , horse-boxes , fruit , milk , and luggage vans , and also all the omnibuses , parcel carts and vans , broughams , gigs and so on are made and repaired by us ’ .
24 2.3 In the case of deaths occurring before 1 January 1983 , damages recoverable under the 1934 Act include damages for pain and suffering and loss sustained by the deceased before his death , damages for loss of expectation of life , damages for loss of future earnings during the " lost years " and funeral expenses .
25 These include suggestions for prediction and reviewing work , role play , and the correct use of the video controls .
26 These include suggestions for prediction and reviewing work , role play and the correct use of the video controls which permit freeze-frame , silent viewing , and fast-forwarding .
27 French cookery books of the period nearly all include recipes for tomato jam .
28 The moves include loans for training and a scheme involving enterprise councils and local firms .
29 They include allowances for site clearance , Architects ' and Surveyors ' fees , walls , gates , fences and , where appropriate , a brick-built garage — all of which should be included in your sum insured . )
30 But , in general , they include systems for design , production control , distribution , electronic data interchange and so on .
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