Example sentences of "eye for a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I closed my eyes for a bit , then went back into the Bunker to tidy up .
2 He thought it was an accusation but she met his eyes for a second : ‘ They 'll kill you , ’ she said .
3 She closed her eyes for a second and touched the small space of forehead between her brows .
4 I closed my eyes for a second .
5 Robyn closed her eyes for a second , agonised by the simple , harsh hurt of his words , balling her fists so that her nails dug deep into her palms .
6 Robyn closed her eyes for a second , took a breath and then continued reading .
7 She closed her eyes for a second , and then opened them to see a glimpse of concern on Guy Sterne 's dark face .
8 Virginia closed her eyes for a second , fighting this odious revelation .
9 He swore softly , and closed his eyes for a second , swallowing hard .
10 Visual fatigue can sometimes be lessened if the pupil looks away from a task briefly , or closes the eyes for a minute or two .
11 Kiah closed his eyes for a minute .
12 He closed his eyes for a minute .
13 Now , close your eyes for a minute while I get out of these . ’
14 The man unshuttered his eyes for a moment .
15 She closed her eyes for a moment , and when she opened them he was puzzled by the blankness in them .
16 Agnes covered her eyes for a moment , then said flatly , ‘ Has he told you so ? ’
17 She closed her eyes for a moment , then said ‘ His name is Felton . ’
18 ANYONE who has watched birds sleeping will have noticed that they frequently open their eyes for a moment , or ‘ peek ’ .
19 The vague red haze swam over his eyes for a moment , then cleared .
20 As he turned the torch towards the door to the house , he gasped with horror , then screwed up his eyes for a moment , thinking of his kids , before letting his gaze rest again on the ghastly thing that dangled before him .
21 She had her eyes on the figure striding across the hall towards the telephone table , and the look on her face caused him to close his own eyes for a moment , for he knew how she had taken what Martin had said : although it had been voiced lightly it was meant to have serious intent , and in her own mind his marrying would mean once again that she would have notice to quit .
22 Oh ’ — she closed her eyes for a moment — ‘ I wish I had me life over again .
23 He read the few lines through , then closed his eyes for a moment before reading aloud .
24 Aggie closed her eyes for a moment ; then slowly she ordered : ‘ Come … down … off … that … chair . ’
25 Mrs Quinton closed her eyes for a moment as if recalling her cousin relating this girl 's history , which had not included the scissors ' business with Sister Mary as being the reason for her leaving because that might have put any caring mother off from engaging such a virago .
26 If you ca n't easily remember this , just close your eyes for a moment and recall a time when you felt really well .
27 She closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath .
28 Suddenly , a wave of tiredness swept through her and she closed her eyes for a moment , during which the girl remained quiet , but visibly agitated and eager to be getting on with her work .
29 He searched her eyes for a moment , then sighed and held up his hands in surrender .
30 Burun held Rostov 's eyes for a moment .
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