Example sentences of "eye [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 've heard such a lot about the risks to eyes after infection with dog dirt and I 'm very worried .
2 Brilliant eyes of silvery-green with jet-black pupils .
3 We must come back with haste , but as we travel let us also reflect on some of the things we see : looking with the eyes of discernment for the hand of the Enemy on the controls of the engine of progress .
4 A woman was sprayed in the eyes with ammonia after disturbing a gang of burglars at her parents home .
5 Rabbits ( and humans for that matter ) blink their eyes in response to an air puff directed towards the cornea .
6 To her dismay , hot tears burned her eyes in frustration at the physical weakness that kept her kneeling in such a submissive attitude at his feet for several more seconds .
7 It stirred something deep and primitive in her and she closed her eyes in bliss as the last garment dropped to the floor .
8 Travis closed his eyes in pain for a second , and then almost as if he could n't help himself he reached out a hand and pulled her to him , pressing a kiss on her hair .
9 Textbooks also mention lid oedema , hyperpigmentation and oedema of the conjunctiva , and dry eyes in association with chlorambucil use .
10 The moment he finished , an elderly mandarin with a white , wispy goatee appeared from behind another pillar beside the throne and translated the emperor 's brief address into melodiously accented French : Several times the Resident Superior dipped his chin an inch and lowered his eyes in acknowledgment of a dutiful reference to " the great protecting nation of France , " and when the translation ended he inclined his head more formally without bowing .
11 Most of them went through the ritual of gazing about them with curious eyes in search of a familiar face among the crowds .
12 She slumps , exhausted , moving only her eyes from side to side as she follows our next exchange .
13 When , however , it is exposed in the left field alone , the tendency to move the eyes at the beginning of the line ( presumably the dominant one ) would be in conflict with the tendency to move the eyes from left to right .
14 I walked partway along the trail , closing my eyes from time to time , imagining myself blind , unable to see .
15 ‘ Immacolata has learned the recipe in her Domestic Science period at school , with some improvements , ’ Maria Filippa said , raising her eyes to heaven at the crudeness of the teacher 's version , so that her eyebrows , already high in her forehead , jumped into her hairline .
16 He rolled his eyes to heaven in mock devotion , and intoned , ‘ Give me a husband , ora pro nobis .
17 Beside him Ratagan was quivering like a nervous horse , his eyes on fire under the bristling brows , his hand clenched on the shaft of his axe .
18 total and irrecoverable loss of all sight in one or both eyes rendering the Insured person absolutely blind in the eye or eyes beyond remedy by surgical or other treatment
19 ‘ It 's Len Seager , ’ she said softly , noting the flicker of recognition in David 's eyes at mention of the man 's name .
20 He rolled up his eyes by way of an answer and left in search of a less threatening conversation .
21 She 'd read that when an elephant has a wound , the mahout squirts chilli juice in its eyes by way of distraction .
22 Nor are all bruises evidence of battering : I have vivid memories of my own older daughter 's accident-proneness in her earlier years ( she is possibly the only individual in the country to have given herself two black eyes by collision with a holy-water stoup ! ) and on one or two occasions her appearance would inevitably , today , have landed her on the " At risk " register .
23 With an exceptional eye for hair in fashion photography , Trevor manages to capture the essence of his work in photographs that are profoundly unique and reflect his individuality and sense of style ’ .
24 What troubles the admirer of Lewis the critic — the man who had such an eye for excellence in the poets of past ages — is that he could be capable of stanza after stanza in which the verse is deadened by flat language , repeated clumsy enjambments and sheer technical incompetence .
25 On Sunday mornings during the time of the spring and autumn ploughing , the horsemen often strolled around the parish to view one another 's work , estimating its quality with the eye for detail of an exacting sticker at a furrow-drawing match .
26 Obituary : Edward Bawden : A sardonic eye for detail from Essex to the desert .
27 With his eye for talent behind the scenes , it seems the Rock Garden is destined to become a prized showcase for the best in Irish rock .
28 Eleven year old Lisa Morley suffered a badly damaged eye in incident near Grange School in Banbury in May , after which police interviews a boy , who was also aged eleven .
29 In the present context it has usually been used to mean acuity dominance , that is , superior acuity in one eye , or sighting dominance , the tendency to use one particular eye in preference to the other during monocular viewing .
30 For two years , Clark , William Waldegrave at the Foreign Office and Nicholas Ridley at the Department of Trade and Industry wrangled in secret memos over the morality of turning a blind eye in exchange for information .
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