Example sentences of "eye [v-ing] like [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A naked woman squatted there , her face hidden behind a black veil ; from her mouth came a foul toad and round her neck curled an amber snake , its red-slit eyes flashing like diamonds .
2 From the viewplate in the open booth that face looked out at Jaq , eyes twinkling like ice in chartreuse , a playful and predatory smile puckering the lips .
3 Christine glared at her , the eyes smouldering like emeralds .
4 ‘ It does not answer it , ’ Vitor said , his eyes glinting like points of steel in the candlelight .
5 He leant forward , resting his hands on the desk as he brought his face level with hers , his dark eyes glittering like jet .
6 Lacuna stopped , her eyes closing like metal shutters .
7 ‘ Hey , boss , ’ interrupted Lorre , eyes glowing like neons .
8 A terrible rushing wind tore at my hair and clothes as merciless demons appeared from all directions , faces twisted with rage , teeth bared between snarling lips , eyes shining like stars whilst flames burst out of their mouths .
9 He came close behind her , their eyes locking like laser-beams on one another in the mirror .
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