Example sentences of "eye [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't know whether it contributed much — one never knows oneself whether it contributes or nOt — but I never took my eyes off Peter during this scene , willed him to do this , that and the other , and was saddened and grieved and distressed by the fact that everybody turned against him at the end .
2 He searched her eyes for signs of contempt and loathing , but all he could see was sympathy .
3 Henry looked at her more closely , mistaking the dark rings round her eyes for signs of late nights and fast living .
4 I said hello to everybody and looked into their eyes for hints of recognition — that these famous musical arbiters and copy- fuhrers might remember my earlier attempts to bum a job on the journo rollercoaster .
5 There was a widespread feeling in 1951 that at any moment the Chinese , who had already identified themselves in US eyes as aggressors in Korea , might extend their intervention to Vietnam .
6 I 've heard such a lot about the risks to eyes after infection with dog dirt and I 'm very worried .
7 It is not always possible to say precisely which kind of eyes these are pretending to be , but the chances are that in most cases they are mimicking the forward-facing eyes of birds of prey .
8 It blinds the eyes of contemporaries with clouds of smoke ; but it docs not endure , and its flame is hardly visible . ’
9 The parliamentary chairman , Ruslan Khasbulatov , has accused the media of bias and yesterday the parliament kept up its barrage of complaints against the media , saying television programmes closed the eyes of viewers to what it described as the anti-constitutional nature of the president 's seizure of new powers .
10 They looked back at him with the bright eyes of rats in old people 's faces and when he asked them a question .
11 Brilliant eyes of silvery-green with jet-black pupils .
12 Share salesmen , even after A-Day , have upraised their status in the eyes of clients by quotation of imaginary praise from other clients , e.g. " One of my clients is kind enough to say he 's never had a bad tip from me . "
13 But it was only during the past year that she had realized that they were — in the eyes of people like Felicity , at any rate — very badly off .
14 We must come back with haste , but as we travel let us also reflect on some of the things we see : looking with the eyes of discernment for the hand of the Enemy on the controls of the engine of progress .
15 When asked what frightens me most about London , I say , it is not the pinwheeled eyes of junkies on the street .
16 CARE nurse Mary Jane Hammond moves along the lines , wiping the infected eyes of children beyond tears .
17 We sailed down the reaches of the Thames and , standing in the bows , I saw the river through the eyes of Marlow in Conrad 's Heart of Darkness , as a waterway leading to the uttermost ends of the earth crowded with memories of men and ships it had borne to the rest of home or to the battles of the sea " .
18 She bound her arms from the shoulder to the elbow with thick cords … she rubbed herself with nettles … [ in her full length hair shirt ] she appeared more glorious in the eyes of God from her having armed it underneath with a great quantity of points of needles to increase her suffering by this ingenious cruelty …
19 The Humane Society of the United States has reported that two toy gun manufacturers — Ray Plastics and LNJ Toys , makers of the new Gotcha enforcer gun — test their products by firing shots into the eyes of rabbits at distances of five feet , three feet , six inches , three inches and half an inch .
20 ‘ Rather too well , ’ said the new Minister for Sport , his eyes like chips of ice .
21 Sairellen herself had met the constable on her doorstep and kept him there , her arms folded across her impassive chest , her eyes like chips of granite .
22 He staggered to his feet , swaying a little , his eyes like chips of blue ice .
23 With her white hair , her eyes like bits of the sky .
24 His shoulder-length jet-black hair falls dramatically and we see his face clearly for the first time — high-cheek-boned , eyes like slits of molten anthracite .
25 He picks it up and sees that it 's a tiny silver woman , with hair like spun silk and blue eyes like pieces of the sky come down to earth — ;
26 Eyes like saucers at those frightful queens we both know and love .
27 He had a forehead and nose any Greek might have acknowledged with pride , and long , grey-blue eyes like slivers of self-illuminating stone , somewhere between lapis-lazuli and granite .
28 His eyes looked small and yellow , set in a tracery of deepening lines which seemed to radiate from his eyes like waves in a small still pool .
29 But I could see with my inner eye the form of my Lord Krishna , seated before Arjuna in the chariot on the battlefield of Kurukshetra , and I heard the sublime thoughts , and this filled my eyes with tears of joy and love . ' ’
30 A woman was sprayed in the eyes with ammonia after disturbing a gang of burglars at her parents home .
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