Example sentences of "move along [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I moved along past the drawings to look at a blurred water-colour with a wild smudge of cobalt in the centre .
2 Rory straightened his tie , and with his whisky still burning in his throat , and now his stomach too , he moved along to the gap in the curtains and slid through , back into the ballroom , where people sat drinking at long wooden tables and groups of dancers went whirling round in complicated , ever-changing patterns , all flowing dresses and clasping hands and big red sweaty faces and white shirts and ties and narrow trousers or — even worse — kilts .
3 I moved along to the patio window .
4 The window is then moved along to the next position .
5 The boats and barges of the early river navigations were moved along by the current or tide , by sail or by gangs of men .
6 In other words , it 's the spherical centre of the axes or intersecting lines that the track control arms move along on the inward and outward strokes of the springs .
7 As the centre of Paris moved west , masses of workers were evicted from the city centre , some to move along with the new factories to the banlieue .
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