Example sentences of "it expect to report " in BNC.

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1 Milpitas-based Adaptec Inc is making hay with its disk controllers from the boom in personal computer sales generated by the price war , and says it expects to report net profit of about $50m , 1.90 per share for its fiscal year to March 31 1993 , on sales more than double last year 's $150.3m .
2 Borland International Inc reports ‘ strong initial reception ’ to its long-delayed Windows version of Paradox , and says it expects to report profits of 10 cents a share for its fourth quarter to March 31 , double the average analyst forecast ; Microsoft Corp said it had sold about 700,000 copies of its new Access database program , and Borland says that its Paradox for Windows has done about as well .
3 KnowledgeWare Inc , Atlanta warns that it expects to report non-recurring charges of $20m for its fiscal third quarter to March 31 from acquisitions and restructuring and expansion of product lines , and that this will lead to a loss for the quarter and for the year ; it also says that lower revenues combined with operating costs associated with the acquisitions are expected to contribute to a third quarter operating loss ; it looks for growth in European revenues .
4 Radius Inc warns that it expects to report a second quarter operating loss larger than its first quarter operating loss , and that second quarter revenues to March 31 will be below the $36.9m reported for the first quarter , when it lost $0.05 per share or $713,000 ; it has seen slowing demand for its Macintosh enhancement products in Europe and to a lesser extent in the US .
5 San Diego-based GTI Corp , majority owned by Telemetrix Plc , responded to a $1.50 fall in its share price to $21.75 on Friday by saying it saw no fundamental reason for it , adding that it expects to report ‘ continuing positive results ’ this quarter after four quarters of increases of 100% or more .
6 Vienna , Virginia-based Legent Corp warns that it expects to report net profit of about $18.4m or $0.52 per share for the second quarter ended Aprch 31 , compared with the $0.44 before charges that it reported last year ; turnover will be about flat with the $102.5m a year ago : the news caused a bloodbath in the Legent share price , which slumped 16% , $6.125 , to land up at $33.25 .
7 San Jose , California-based Conner Peripherals Inc warns that it expects to report a loss from operations for the second quarter ending June 30 , adding that the expected loss reflects ongoing price competition , excess capacity and a transition in product demand to 200Mb and higher capacity drives ; a continuation of factors affecting the second quarter , as well as a seasonal slowdown in the summer , could also lead to operating losses in the third quarter , the firm said .
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