Example sentences of "a single entity " in BNC.

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1 The impression given by the marketing campaign is that you are being invited to invest in a single entity — the British water industry — and that there will be attractive perks for those who do .
2 Furthermore , they would be viewed as a single entity from a collections point of view .
3 Good design brings house and garden together as a single entity .
4 Church and empire were fused in a single entity ; the empire was an image of the heavenly kingdom , its boundaries the limits of Christendom , the emperor the representative of divine authority in the world .
5 It is odd — one of the anomalies of science — that it is possible to look at a single entity as if it were either one thing or another , apparently quite different thing .
6 But population data are regarded as primary data because the Registrar-General 's department , as a single entity , collects and analyses the information .
7 In some ways , of course , this is healthy because RMI is not a single entity , nor is there a single way of implementing RMI .
8 So far there has emerged , not a single entity .
9 Once a control contract has been entered into , the dominant undertaking and the public company will in effect be treated as a single entity .
10 They moved warily , scuttling forward , overlapping each other , black wraith-like phantoms moving as a single entity , its rhythm known to them as ‘ house-laundering ’ — engaging the enemy at close quarters .
11 Consolidated financial statements are prepared on the basis that the undertakings included in the consolidation form a single entity ( ‘ the group' ) .
12 Thus the monopoly was preserved intact and British Gas was privatised as a single entity , with no attempt to introduce competition ( unlike BT where one competitor — albeit a small one — was introduced ) .
13 Studies of whole word recognition attempt to recognise a word as a single entity by examining certain global features of the word .
14 Reminding us that Sutherland 's answer was definitely not , Hopkins points out with insight that this negative answer was only possible because Sutherland conflated individual and corporate crime , thus reducing large rambling enterprises with thousands of employees to a single entity .
15 Apart from basic , but effective system administration facilities , Unix has lacked a proper mechanism for managing the overall application environment as a single entity .
16 Any combination of fixed and mobile telephony and data communications can operate as a single entity over the Ericsson Business Network .
17 Apart from basic , but effective system administration facilities , Unix has lacked a proper mechanism for managing the overall application environment as a single entity .
18 But for a business used to being dominated by a single entity — the BBC — the past few years have been unsettling .
19 But surely in an economically and culturally disparate country such as Italy , which has existed as a single entity for little more than a century , a north-south break-up would be the best thing to promote accountability , reduce bureaucracy and eliminate waste .
20 That the family was no longer a single entity , but included a variety of arrangements for caring for children , allowed extension of the net for suitable placement for children in public care .
21 Operating in clustered environments , TNC will give the impression that an application , distributed around the cluster , is functioning as a single entity and will assign request calls to the most suitable processor without the user being aware of the destination .
22 Anxiety is not a single entity but rather comprises three facets : first , the way we feel , meaning our physical sensations , including both acute and chronic symptoms ; second , the way we think , including catastrophic , irrational and negative thoughts ; third , the way we behave , including patterns of avoidance and stressful lifestyles .
23 The old orders had no place , since the nation was a single entity with a single will ( p.154 et seq . ) .
24 We think the penal system is best seen as one highly complex system and the penal crisis as a single entity — albeit with multiplex causation and a variety of symptoms .
25 For to say that entities of a certain sort do not exist is to say , in effect , that not a single entity in the world has the indicated property , or properties ; or , expressed differently , that the relevant concept can not be correctly applied to anything .
26 For one thing , the Hebrews did not divide man up into spirit , mind and body as we tend to do : they thought of him as a single entity , an animated body , a living person .
27 It then becomes appropriate to wonder whether the analysis proposed by Rappaport in figure 5.5 for a single entity might not , in such situations , be expanded to encompass the partnership .
28 It had thus become clear by the turn of the century that acquired language disorder was by no means a single entity : instead , a variety of different patterns of disorder could be observed .
29 The object of ( b ) is to require delivery of the accounts of an unlimited company if two or more limited companies would , if they had been a single entity , have been the parent of the unlimited company under the criteria in section 258 , although technically the unlimited company is not a subsidiary of any of them .
30 the accounts give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Corporation at March 30 , 1991 and , in respect of the Corporation and their subsidiary undertakings regarded as a single entity , of the state of affairs at March 30 , 1991 , and the results and statement of cash flows for the year then ended , and have been properly prepared in accordance with the direction of the Secretary of State for Energy … , and
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