Example sentences of "the 1967 act " in BNC.

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1 A side effect of the Act , however , has been that many owners of leasehold property no longer regard such investments as sound and they have voluntarily negotiated the sale of freeholds even where the property concerned did not fall within the provisions of the 1967 Act .
2 This carried the law further than the 1967 Act because any term of imprisonment ( rather than five years minimum ) was now to be enough .
3 The sheer number of abortions makes this a huge issue , more than 3 million babies have been aborted in Great Britain under the 1967 Act .
4 Much of the concern expressed prior to the passing of the 1967 Act centred around the supposed vulnerability of children , and this has made the possibility of a lowering of the age of consent a remote one .
5 Walmsley looks at several possible explanations and concludes that the change is largely due to the Act itself , firstly in the simple sense that the passing of the 1967 Act brought to an end a trial period of uncertainty for the police by making quite clear that , although in the future homosexual acts in private between consenting adults were to be legal , such acts in ‘ public ’ as defined by the Act were not .
6 More importantly , perhaps , Walmsley argues that the 1967 Act , because it introduced summary trial for the offence of indecency between males , made it easier for the police to bring prosecutions , for when there are no minors involved , the Director of Public Prosecution 's consent is unnecessary .
7 Restriction of the gestation period within which abortion may legally be performed from the 28 weeks defined in the 1967 Act was frequently urged by abortion reformers , for example to 18 weeks in the failed 1988 Private Members Bill by David Alton MP .
8 The 1967 Act ( in Section 65 ) also brought to finality one of the most contentious chapters in English penal history .
9 While there were some deeply held opinions , as shown in the controversy over the provisions in the 1967 Act which had made the suspension of certain short sentences mandatory , they provided insufficient grist for the legislative mill .
10 Before the 1967 Act the labs had a hard time of it , I can tell you , when all scientific evidence had to be given orally .
11 Some states were not slow in following up the 1967 Act .
12 Whereas the 1967 Act allowed states to devise their own standards , taking into account federal advice , the 1970 Act empowered federal government to set uniform standards to apply to all states .
13 It represents , however , a retreat from the basic principle that the price of limited liability should be full financial disclosure — a principle which after a long struggle , was adopted in the 1967 Act .
14 Before the 1967 Act , the company acquiring the computer would have no remedy for this innocent misrepresentation , unless it was deemed to be a contractual term , as it would be too late to have the contract set aside .
15 Where the negligent misrepresentation induces a contract between the parties , it may be more advantageous to proceed under s2(1) of the 1967 Act , not least because it reverses the onus of proof by placing it upon the seller ( see Howard Marine and Dredging Co Ltd v A Ogden and Sons ( Excavations ) Ltd [ 1978 ] QB 574 ) .
16 In the case of an innocent misrepresentation , s2(2) of the 1967 Act gives the court discretion to award damages in lieu of rescission .
17 This reasoning no longer applies following s1(a) of the 1967 Act which permits rescission for a misrepresentation , even where the misrepresentation has become a term of the contract .
18 In Howard Marine and Dredging Co Ltd v A Ogden and Sons ( Excavations ) Ltd [ 1978 ] QB 574 , a case decided under s3 of the 1967 Act , Lord Denning considered the following factors to be relevant : the parties were of equal bargaining position , the representation made was innocent , and in any case the plaintiffs had failed to prove that they had reasonable grounds for believing the truth of the statement .
19 The information in Table E10.1 , from a publication of the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys , gives all teenage conceptions leading to maternities or abortions ( under the 1967 Act ) in England and Wales in 1969 and 1983 .
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