Example sentences of "run at a loss " in BNC.

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1 Sistelcom 's president , Victoria Reinoso , announced that investment in the new system was running at some $3.5m per annum , and acknowledged that the system would run at a loss for the first two years .
2 He claimed that the government was forcing Petrobrás to run at a loss in order to keep petrol prices and thus inflation down .
3 By now finances were brightening and whilst still running at a loss , this was entirely because of spending on improvements .
4 By the time we get it spread , we only have a 10 per cent gain in terms of the total energetics of the system , and if you put in fossil fuel for machinery and for fertilisers we are running at a loss .
5 Even in Nigeria , Africa 's most densely populated country , with the largest urbanized , literate readership , most of the fifteen daily papers on sale in 1981 were running at a loss .
6 By the late 1960s , indeed , half of Fleet Street was running at a loss ( Economist Intelligence Unit , 1966 ) , and the situation ( though cyclical ) got no better in the 1970s .
7 His advice was that for the committee to continue trading knowing in advance that we would be running at a loss would leave members open to a charge of wrongful trading .
8 It 'd been running at a loss for years .
9 His mum had a good accountant and technically she was running at a loss .
10 In the case of passenger transport undertakings such as railways and airlines which allow free travel to employees the test would provide mind-boggling difficulties of calculation and when the undertaking was running at a loss would result in a charge to tax that exceeded the fare charged to the general public ; this would also be the case where school fees were heavily subsidised by endowments .
11 Take a railway running at a loss : the average cost of providing concessionary travel would be a sum greater than the fare charged to the public .
12 The strongest argument in favour of the taxpayers is the anomaly which would arise if the employer 's business were running at a loss or was subsidised by endowment .
13 ICI , although running at a loss of £384 million , still distributed £393 million to its shareholders , over half its R&D budget .
14 Er but the plan itself the DOPACS units have n't been actually completed and therefore they could be running at a loss .
15 The party has had to bail out its merchandising section , Ecotrade , from party funds , whilst running at a loss .
16 Er well y yes , they 'll be running at a loss right through until we eventually fix the prices for the whole programme and er hopefully the if they do it very efficiently we might make some profit .
17 ‘ All we have been told is that there will be a profit of £7,000-a-year but similar facilities in the North-East are running at a loss . ’
18 Some newspapers are already running at a loss in the hope that they will move back into profit when the economic situation improves .
19 Provision of unlimited money undermines incentives for greater efficiency which is why nationalised industries always run at a loss .
20 I suppose we we would run the Independent as a professional publication , but it would be run at a loss for a very long time before you could turn it around .
21 If a partner or sole trader has more than one business enterprise ( e.g. two or three small cafes ) , and one is successful whilst another runs at a loss , the loss incurred by one enterprise may be offset against the tax liability for the successful enterprise .
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