Example sentences of "set up [art] office " in BNC.

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1 Our transsexual flatmate was one of the main organisers of the campaign , and we were all active supporters — not least by paying the rent for LAMBDA to set up an office in our squat .
2 This Association has been instrumental in getting the APA to adopt guidelines on non-sexist language and practices , and to set up an office for Women 's Programmes .
3 Most important of all , there was enough money to set up an office as party headquarters at 190 Vauxhall Bridge Road .
4 The club are to set up an office where tickets will be available from 9.30am-noon from Monday to Thursday .
5 The task was to set up the office , get a system going to deal with the fan mail , gifts and general correspondence , liaise with dress designers and process the requests for patronages as they came in .
6 In a rather haphazard fashion , and greatly encouraged by the British , Roosevelt finally agreed in 1942 to set up the Office of Strategic Services ( OSS ) under the command of Colonel William Donovan .
7 Mr Litman , who has set up an office in Moscow , is unperturbed by his rivals ' plans and promises that his ageing ex-spies will provide ‘ astounding new material that will shatter myths and create new controversies . ’
8 Meanwhile 88Open , which boasts that some 80% of its business comes from Europe , has set up an office in the UK , under the charge of Steve Heath , previously from Motorola 's semiconductor operation .
9 Then in 1960 Arthur Andersen came to Japan with the intention of setting up an office and wanting to hire young Japanese CPAs to train in the US before the office was opened .
10 Despite the December 1990 agreement on the division of powers between the federal government and the country 's two constituent republics [ see p. 37922 ] , calls for greater autonomy and independence had continued to grow in Slovakia , and Meciar had given them increasingly explicit support , setting up an office of foreign affairs ( headed by his close ally Milan Knazno ) and leading Slovak delegations abroad .
11 Marketing activity is being targeted on central and eastern Europe and the Company considering setting up an office in Seoul to take advantage of new business opportunities which could arise from the signing of a bilateral agreement between the UK and Korean Governments .
12 We will have to arrange for advance publicity , set up an office and make arrangements to show prospective buyers around .
13 His own group called itself the Free Conservatives , set up an office to rival that of the official party , and supplied money and professional assistance to rebels at by-elections .
14 Having now accumulated a small amount of capital and a tiny corps of agents in European cities , Reuter moved to London in 1851 and set up an office in the Royal Exchange Buildings .
15 In 1821 he joined in partnership with John Beckinton of Newcastle and set up an office at 14 Salthouse Lane , next door to the Hull branch of the Bank of England .
16 For instance , when the government sold British Telecom to private shareholders in 1984 , it set up the Office of Telecommunications as the regulatory agency and limited the permitted rise in telephone charges to 3 per cent below the rate of inflation .
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