Example sentences of "run [adv] across the " in BNC.

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1 So I said I had to make a quick decision either I was going to go up me chain past his whatsit and into the roof , or else go thirty feet down and run right across the chamber into whichever er level they could go to .
2 More tears rolled onto the sand as he remembered how his father had dropped the bundle and run away across the farm , never to be seen again … .
3 The ridges run sharply across the sky , always bare .
4 There might be more advantage in making the categories run mid-way across the ten-year groups , giving 25–34 as a group if it is felt that some significant changes take place in people 's lives in their mid-thirties , or at other points in the mid-sections of the decades .
5 But our aim was Jack 's Rake , a tortuous climb running right across the cliff .
6 The thought was instantly suppressed by her happiness at seeing him again , and she was about to run swiftly across the room and into his arms when she registered his expression .
7 The man decided to run further across the road rather than go back .
8 The Old Dyke was a dry ditch , fifteen paces broad and about ten feet deep , backed to the west with a bank of earth , dry , decayed , tumbled , but running straight across the forest for mile after mile , monument of some forgotten war centuries old .
9 The Tame Valley Canal was one of the last canals to be built , running eastwards across the West Midlands from Tame Valley Junction on the Walsall Canal to Salford Junction on the Birmingham & Fazeley Canal ( Oct 84 guide ) at the head of the Grand Union Canal .
10 But I could never again imagine him doing something as spontaneously crazy , as aggressively , contemptuously fate-tempting and unleashed as running out across the frozen ice , arms out , laughing .
11 It 's a geodesic shape with two longer poles running diagonally across the frame of the tent and two shorter poles arched at either end .
12 This further implies that the product life-cycle should be seen as shown on the revised McKinsey-GE grid of figure 4.4 , rather than as running diagonally across the matrix from top left to bottom right , as figure 4.3 implies .
13 Patiently she waited beside the ticket collector till Gloria came running breathlessly across the station towards her .
14 Drops of rain run back across the windows , almost horizontally .
15 One of the earliest communication corridors , the Jurassic Way ran right across the country from the Cotswolds to Humberside passing through Banbury , roughly along the line of today 's Banbury Lane , towards Northampton and on to Stamford .
16 There are some unusually good things to see inside the church of Saint-Savin : a ‘ Eucharist tower ’ twenty feet and three storeys high , Gothic in style , and made of gilded wood ; two primitive fifteenth-century panels , each containing nine scenes from the life of the church 's name-saint ; a Renaissance organ carried on what is left of a wooden gallery that once ran right across the church , from transept to transept — on the front of the instrument are three articulated mascarons , which moved their eyes and tongues as the organ played , in representation of wretched earthly sinners , grimacing at the intolerable sound of joyful , heavenly music .
17 The murdered man 's head fell forwards , and the blood ran slowly across the table , and down onto the floor .
18 And then , as her dazed mind finally absorbed the fact that it really was Ross , and not a figment of her overheated imagination , she quickly jumped to her feet and ran swiftly across the floor towards him .
19 He said : ‘ I ran away across the track because I wanted to avoid getting into any problems .
20 On this occasion he ran off across the field , but was later arrested .
21 Sam ran off across the yard ; he did not appear for lunch .
22 Quigley just stood there , his immense arms loose at his side , as the mass of the congregation , murmuring among themselves like extras in a bad production of a Shakespeare play , swept after Pike as he turned and , bucket in hand , ran off across the Common towards the spot where Mr Marr had been sitting the night the aliens came .
23 And she ran quickly across the field after the Rabbit .
24 Fearing suddenly that their behaviour might upset Jacques Devraux , Loc ran quickly across the clearing towards them .
25 The road ran straight across the desert for twenty miles .
26 She ran back across the yard to the hen-house , through the netting gate , across the muddy enclosure , scattering hens at each step .
27 The track , after leaving the ridge , went steeply down for a few yards and then turned to the right and ran diagonally across the hill for a hundred yards ; the pile of rocks was about midway on the right-hand side of this length of the track .
28 I opened my eyes at fucking five to six and I could see him at the window Ken ran then across the road and he says Dawn your brother 's been trying to get in for ages .
29 Then she saw him , hanging on to one of the many bracing beams that ran horizontally across the Lock gates .
30 They ran happily across the snow to the south — eight men , seven sledges , and eighty-six dogs .
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