Example sentences of "most of the leading " in BNC.

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1 FIPRESCI is a world-wide critics ' organisation which includes most of the leading and distinguished writers on film among its members .
2 By the time he became vice-president of International Creative Management , one of the largest talent agencies in the world , he represented not only a host of illustrious American stars — Helen Hayes , Mary Martin , Arlene Dahl , Maureen Stapleton , Ruth Gordon , Carol Channing , Lillian Gish — but most of the leading actors of the British theatre , including Laurence Olivier , Ralph Richardson , John Gielgud , Rex Harrison , Peggy Ashcroft , Albert Finney and Vanessa Redgrave .
3 The relatively relaxed stance of most of the leading Bolsheviks , many of whom in any case were themselves not Great Russians , was met at least half-way by the malleable reactions of the Belorussians .
4 He reads and digests material on a vast range of topics and picks the brains of most of the leading authorities .
5 Most of the leading Thai-Chinese business empires are still controlled by their founders , many of whom started life at the bottom and have assumed Thai names .
6 There is much to suggest that the attitudes of society towards sexual offences , particularly the attitudes of many men ( who hold most of the leading posts in the making of policy and law ) , have tended to undervalue the seriousness of sexual assaults .
7 Furthermore , this presumed strong association between crime and social class has been the basis for most of the leading sociological theories of crime .
8 After university , he became a free-lance journalist in London , writing articles for most of the leading literary magazines .
9 But , although they defended free trade against Joseph Chamberlain and the Tariff Reformers , most of the leading Liberal politicians and an influential minority of socialists accommodated themselves to the underlying assumptions of the new imperialism .
10 This event sprung up following the failure of the Squash Rackets Association to secure a sponsor for this year 's national championships and a resultant boycott from most of the leading professionals .
11 They are the official repairers for most of the leading makes and can also provide original replacements for soles and midsoles .
12 In recent years , after an earlier period of reaction , most of the leading German theologians have been post-Barthian in the sense that while they have departed from him in various ways , they have nevertheless taken a basic orientation from him .
13 Most of the leading academics in business ethics have a grounding in moral philosophy , a discipline that takes the concept of altruism — doing good simply because it is right — rather seriously .
14 When most of the leading Social Democrats , including I. Martov ( 1873–1923 ) and , following the congress , Plekhanov threw their weight against Lenin , the Bolshevik faction failed to gain control of the Party 's leading organs .
15 I particularly like the Sword-Handle in Perseus , made up of two rich clusters in the same binocular field , and the Jewel Box in the Southern Cross , where most of the leading members are bluish but there is one red star which stands out .
16 The Ottomans depended upon their non-Muslim subjects to conduct the trade of the empire and to provide most of the leading medical practitioners and other specialists .
17 She was on friendly terms with most of the leading horticulturalists of the time , and was able to provide Charles Darwin [ q.v. ] with a number of rare plants .
18 Most of the leading active members of the Neuen Club were Jews , several of whom wrote for publications like Sturm , Demokrat , Revolution , and Aktion .
19 Most of the leading Ulster players will participate and with Carslberg underwriting the championships the prize fund has been increased .
20 Most of the leading conservatives who opposed Deng 's market-oriented reforms were retired and the congress decided to abolish the central committee 's central advisory commission ( CAC ) headed by the arch-conservative Chen Yun , Deng 's most powerful rival .
21 Many thousands more , including the Republican government and most of the leading political figures , had fled Spain for exile in Europe , the Americas and the Soviet Union .
22 Most of the leading Conservatives who might have hoped to succeed him were disqualified as supporters of the Lloyd George Coalition , and the succession went to the relatively unknown Chancellor of the Exchequer , Stanley Baldwin .
23 Most of the leading professors at St Petersburg University resigned their posts .
24 As most of the leading American challengers arrived at the tough , par-70 lay-out to begin their preparation , Faldo had already been through a punishing schedule since Thursday .
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