Example sentences of "bring together in [art] " in BNC.

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1 To quote the Federation 's annual report for 1948–49 , ‘ one purpose of the Federation ’ is ‘ that of bringing together in a friendly atmosphere the members of different Branches and Groups and thereby strengthening the unity and spirit of the WEA in Essex ’ .
2 We start by bringing together in a compact and comparative form the key data for the various groups of intermediaries , in Table 4.3 .
3 The photographs were taken over a period of ten years , and eventually they were brought together in a book in 1960 ; ten of the book 's essays originally appeared in Vogue , where the appealing mix of an artist 's conversation along with Liberman 's descriptions and commentary succeeded well .
4 Before that , the first three of these forces have to be brought together in a Grand Unified Theory ( GUT ) .
5 These opposing views should be brought together in a paragraph or essay .
6 Given the long-standing behavioural problems that the pupils attending these sites have set the teaching staff in schools , how is it that they can be brought together in a seemingly improbable admixture with the results , orderly and controlled , as described above ?
7 That study and other environmental studies commissioned by the Cardiff Bay development corporation and South Glamorgan county council were brought together in a detailed environmental impact assessment by Liverpool university .
8 There is also another separation of intellectual concerns which must be brought together in an integrated analysis of soil erosion and conservation .
9 These two populations were then brought together in the fraternal Orange Order and the Order had a major say in the composition and policies of the Unionist Party .
10 Matters are further complicated by the fact that information from the two eyes is brought together in the primary visual cortex .
11 Responsibility for overseeing all financial services will be brought together in the Treasury , in line with the practice adopted in most other advanced countries .
12 Responsibilities will be brought together in the Department of the Environment .
13 Many lines of thought were eventually brought together in the 454 folio pages of Bishop Wilkins 's Essay Towards a Real Character and Philosophical Language , which Slaughter deems a monument to that time ‘ when western Europe entered upon the early modern period of its specialised scientific and technical development ’ .
14 Engineering geology and geophysics were brought together in the Groundwater and Geotechnical Surveys Division in January 1991 .
15 The law relating to children has recently been brought together in the Children Act .
16 These three major concerns with children 's thinking , their language , and their education — are brought together in the book for which Margaret Donaldson is undoubtedly best known , Children 's Minds published in 1978 .
17 All your resources — thinking and information , are brought together in the plan .
18 These different elements may be brought together in the following generalization of ( 9–12 ) : where r is the ( exogenous ) constant rate of interest .
19 The programme of work is based on the assumption that it will have implications for addiction studies , policy studies , prevention studies and industrial studies generally , and for the particular disciplines that will be brought together in the Centre .
20 The other Nobel prizes for 1991 were announced by the relevant Swedish academies between Oct. 3 and Oct. 16 : ( i ) Literature — Nadine Gordimer , the South African novelist whose " magnificent epic writing " had as its central theme the consequences of apartheid ; ( ii ) Medicine — Erwin Neher and Bert Sakmann , German scientists working on the function of single ion channels in cell physiology ; ( iii ) Economics — Ronald Coase , the veteran UK-born member of the Chicago school and theorist of transaction costs and property rights , relevant to how buyers and sellers are brought together in the free market ; ( iv ) Physics — Pierre-Gilles de Gennes , the French scientist , for his work on applying the study of order and behavioural similarities in molecules to a range of complex materials ; and ( v ) Chemistry — Richard R. Ernst , the Swiss researcher , for contributions to high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance ( NMR ) spectroscopy .
21 In 1724 Peter I ordered that all papers relating to foreign policy should be brought together in the college archive ; and work on this continued for the next two decades .
22 All the capital transfer tax provisions were brought together in the CTTA 1984 with Part III dealing with settled property .
23 And should never have been brought together in the first place .
24 Stephen and Bloom are brought together in the final stages of Ulysses so that at last the space of desperation can be closed , the vertical pull of Stephen 's iron ambition , set against the downward sucking force of Blooms ordinariness .
25 Between them they brought together in a hotel in Windsor the chairmen of sixty major companies in Britain and a crowd of bright , articulate members of the black community .
26 This brought together in a simplified form a number of remedies obtainable from a Divisional Court of the Queen 's Bench Division consisting of two or three judges .
27 The consequence of sexual fusion is to bring together in a single cell genetic material derived from two different ancestors .
28 Project Work is the first attempt to bring together in a coherent way the wealth of information available on this topic .
29 I shall name just the latest , launched yesterday evening — the British Emergency Action for Russia and the Republics Trust , founded by Lady Braithwaite , the wife of the ambassador — which is trying to bring together in an imaginative way charities and non-governmentalorganisations in this country to make contacts and help to build up that kind of self-help in Russia .
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