Example sentences of "fit in with [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It also fits in with work being carried out at other research centres .
2 The deal fits in with Spring Ram 's belief that bedroom , dining and living room furniture is an important growth area .
3 The new X-terminal offers a large user memory of 30Mb , and fits in with Forefront , Hitachi 's heterogeneous systems integration schema announced in February .
4 All of them fit in with kitchen cabinetry and are suitable for sealed system central heating .
5 Erm I do recognise some faces , I know some of you recognise me and eh cos we 've done quite a lot of things together , but this afternoon what I 'm going to tell you about is how I fit in with Council , I do n't think any of you know that or know what the Local Government Unit is .
6 This theory of stages in understanding art is helpful , and it will immediately be realised that the first two stages fit in with description , the next two with interpretation , while the final stage is judgement .
7 A charity in Malvern funded their visit and slowly they fit in with school life — St Bede 's in Staffordshire took six Russian children .
8 A charity in Malvern funded their visit and slowly they fit in with school life- St Bede 's in Staffordshire took six Russian children .
9 Fitting in with School
10 Kick-offs have even been delayed to fit in with Sky TV advertisements .
11 ‘ In this part of Austria , we do n't expect babies and toddlers to fit in with hotel routine ; we 've adapted the hotels to suit them , ’ claimed the tourist officer for Vorarlberg .
12 Nor are they really complete theories , because they contain a number of parameters whose values can not be predicted from the theory but have to be chosen to fit in with experiment .
13 When a chance came up to do them early we took it , although it meant we only had nine working days to fit in with Magnox Shutdown .
14 It does fit in with sort of specification and
15 That would fit in with supper , say , around eight o'clock . "
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