Example sentences of "responsible for any [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Trade and industry minister Edward Leigh recently wrote to The Northern Echo firmly denying that the Government was responsible for any delay .
2 Qualification will depend on the knowledge and expertise possessed and , as important , the extent to which the problem-solver can be held responsible for any decision according to the system of accountability we have ; that is , the politician is accountable to Parliament and the public , and the individual to any system which the Parliament may have enacted , whether guidelines or law , and to those immediately touched by any decision .
3 He had a deeply rooted fear of being personally responsible for any diminution at all in the lands committed to his care .
4 Nottinghamshire County Council can not be held responsible for any error , omission or subsequent alteration to the information contained in this brochure .
5 The offences are subject to defences that may be summarised as being ‘ no-negligence ’ defences , that is , that the organiser was not responsible for any default that may have occurred in the conduct of the meeting or procession .
6 The cattle owner was held responsible for any damage done by his animal .
7 If you are foolish enough to close this binder whilst holding it upside down on your lap , I am in no way responsible for any damage that it causes .
8 This liability would only be avoided if careful records of the sources of drugs were kept so as to pass on liability to the manufacturer responsible for any defect .
9 Judges , lawyers and witnesses may not be held responsible for any statement uttered in court .
10 4.1 The Publisher shall not be legally responsible for any loss or damage ( howsoever arising ) to the Work its illustrations and other related material while it is in the Publisher 's custody or in the course of production .
11 4.1 The Publisher shall not be legally responsible for any loss or damage ( howsoever arising ) to the Work its illustrations and other related material while it is in the Publisher 's custody or in the course of production .
12 They knew that a number of passengers had joined the cruise just to see St Kilda , and that they would almost be made to feel responsible for any disappointment .
13 If your purchase is for more than £100 and you have paid by a credit agreement linked to the supplier — into which category credit card payments ( Visa , Access etc. ) fall — the finance company or bank behind the credit is , as well as the supplier , responsible for any breach of contract .
14 Until the execution of any confidentiality agreement by your Representatives you agree to be responsible for any breach of this Agreement by your Representatives .
15 Agents , who are responsible for the underwriting syndicates , will be compelled to inform investors specifically about the type of business being handled and underwriters will be obliged to join the market association responsible for any class of insurance written .
16 Agents , who are responsible for the underwriting syndicates , will be compelled to inform investors specifically about the type of business being handled and underwriters will be obliged to join the market association responsible for any class of insurance written .
17 Sovereign can not be held responsible for any train delays , strikes , cancellations or consequential claims arising from such circumstances .
18 This would be mainframe-driven with suitable terminals in all branches , and the person responsible for any information item would ensure that it was copied to the master file for other parties with the necessary authority to access .
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