Example sentences of "requirement [subord] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ( 2 ) In determining whether or not there has been compliance with the requirement as to supervision in paragraph ( 1 ) of this rule , account shall be taken of , inter alia , the arrangements for principals to see incoming mail .
2 ( 2 ) No express requirement as to reasonableness
3 More difficulty has been encountered when the jurisdictional requirements are phrased subjectively , with no requirement as to reasonableness , such as ‘ if the Minister thinks fit , necessary , he may … . ’
4 Requirement as to recognition by the Council
5 ( 3 ) That the fact that the competent minister of a member state had a power to dispense with the nationality requirement for an individual on the ground of his length of residence in and involvement in the fishing industry of that state could not justify , in regard to Community law , a rule under which registration of a fishing vessel was subject to a nationality requirement or a requirement as to residence and domicile ( post , pp. 341H — 342A , 343D–E ) .
6 This part of the question essentially asks whether the fact that the competent minister of a member state has the power to dispense with the nationality requirement in respect of an individual in view of the length of time such individual has resided in that member state and has been involved in the fishing industry of that member state can justify , in regard to Community law , the rule under which registration of a fishing vessel is subject to a nationality requirement and a requirement as to residence and domicile .
7 Consequently , the answer to be given to the national court must be that the fact that the competent minister of a member state has the power to dispense with the nationality requirement in respect of an individual in view of the length of time such individual has resided in that member state and has been involved in the fishing industry of that member state can not justify , in regard to Community law , the rule under which registration of a fishing vessel is subject to a nationality requirement and a requirement as to residence and domicile .
8 ( 4 ) The fact that the competent minister of a member state has the power to dispense with the nationality requirement in respect of an individual in view of the length of time such individual has resided in that member state and has been involved in the fishing industry of that member state can not justify , in regard to Community law , the rule under which registration of a fishing vessel is subject to a nationality requirement and a requirement as to residence and domicile .
9 By further questions , as reformulated in part by the Court of Justice , the Divisional Court also asked , inter alia , whether requirements as to nationality , residence , domicile and control imposed by a member state as conditions of the registration of fishing vessels and the right to fly the flag of that state were compatible with Community law , including article 7 of the E.E.C .
10 Paragraph 3 of the Direction specifies the requirements as to content :
11 Maastricht has presented us — with clear requirements as to content and time — with the following tasks : First : the creation by stages of the economic and currency union on the basis of clear and objective criteria .
12 In the case of statutory orders , any specific requirements as to publication must be stated in the enabling act .
13 3.2 The Programmer warrants that all material times he has satisfied the requirements as to nationality/residence set out in Section 154 of the Copyright , Designs and Patents Act 1988 , and that the Program will not reproduce any copyright matter not assigned in this Agreement .
14 3.2 The Programmer warrants that all material times he has satisfied the requirements as to nationality/residence set out in Section 154 of the Copyright , Designs and Patents Act 1988 , and that the Program will not reproduce any copyright matter not assigned in this Agreement .
15 In return for accepting these obligations — obligations which , it should be recalled , are additional to the normal requirements as to conduct and to financial reporting imposed on all members of the London Stock Exchange — gilt-edged market makers have the right to certain privileges .
16 However , if you are to write the feature remember to check on the editor 's requirements as to length , the number of illustrations , the date of issue of the article and the copy deadline .
17 The legal recognition of corporate character may be obtained either by a charter from the Crown , as in the case of most of our older corporations , like the Hudson 's Bay Company , some universities and their colleges , as well as of some more recent ones ; or directly by means of an incorporating Act of parliament , as in the case of certain public utilities ; or indirectly through an Act of Parliament like the Companies Act 1948 ( which has been amended by several later Acts of the same name , and consolidated by the Companies Act 1985 ) , which offers corporate character to any number of persons ( usually not less than seven ) associated for a lawful object , who are willing to comply with the statutory requirements as to registration and otherwise .
18 This is to be contrasted with the requirements as to registration on the creation of a new charge and the consequences of late registration of such a charge .
19 As regards the requirements as to domicile , the Commission pointed out that the concept of domicile had at least two different meanings in English law .
20 Organising a public procession when the requirements as to notice have not been complied with , or organising a procession that differs from that which the notice has been given .
21 Furthermore if there is a breach of the requirements as to signature of the balance sheet the company and every officer in default is guilty of an offence .
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