Example sentences of "arise from a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A reason for teacher-researchers feeling apologetic about their wok can arise from a myth about the differences between ‘ teachers ’ research ’ and ‘ researchers ’ research ’ .
2 A reason for teacher-researchers feeling apologetic about their work can arise from a myth about the differences between ‘ teachers ’ research ’ and ‘ researcher 's research ’ .
3 The opacity of water may arise from a variety of materials in suspension , and samples from different sources may be equally opaque but contain widely varying weights of solid matter .
4 This fear does not arise from a view of themselves as unskilled in formal police requirements , for no policemen or women would express that they suspect this of themselves , although some admit to suspecting it of others .
5 The misunderstanding that good medicine and good science are in conflict ( or worse , that there is a clash between compassion and science ) may arise from a failure to distinguish medical trials from human biological research that is neither preventive nor therapeutic .
6 A further reason for taxpayers believing that the burden of taxation is higher than it actually is may arise from a failure to understand the method of collection of income tax .
7 The reason why a rational person would draw this inference is that an unexpectedly high price can be due to a positive aggregate demand shock or a positive relative demand shock , and it can of course arise from a combination of the two .
8 I report another difficulty that can arise from a belief in safety of Ayurvedic medicines and misleading brand names .
9 Let us then [ … ] suppose a great increase in the general demand for fish , such for instance as might arise from a disease affecting farm stock , by which meat was made a dear and dangerous food for several years together .
10 The controversy apparently arose from a communiqué issued by the Philippines-US Mutual Defence Board after its meeting in Manila on Nov. 5-6 , chaired jointly by the Philippine Armed Forces Chief of Staff Gen. Lisandro Abadia and Adml.
11 It arose from a problem about rabbits .
12 We have yet to see a patient whose iron deficiency arose from a problem in the rectum or lower sigmoid in the absence of observed rectal bleeding , a change of bowel habit , or abnormality on digital examination .
13 But historians now recognize that for Darwin himself the idea of natural selection arose from a dialogue between his geographical studies and his interest in the process of reproduction by which the species is maintained .
14 This change arose from a realization that war provided opportunities for the nobles not only to increase their honour and their prestige but also to enrich themselves .
15 Once again he is worth quoting in full ; the italics are Boswell 's : Johnson 's next disquisition arose from a subject brought back by Boswell after a short excursion .
16 This case arose from a contract under which the pursuers , an engineering company , were to supply and install a conveyor belt system at the premises of the defenders , a brickmaking company .
17 The second difficulty arose from a proposition in St. Augustine in which Galileo saw some mileage .
18 Had their remit been wider , they might well have discovered that many of the teachers ' anxieties about LMS arose from a lack of faith in school-level decision-making and a feeling of being somehow ‘ outside ’ the decision-making process : a ‘ victim ’ of change rather than an agent of it .
19 It arose from a chance encounter at one of the regular community meetings of the YCCC held at a time when they were attempting to reach out to any and all sorts of assistance in solving their pollution problem .
20 ( Peru : the very name arose from a misunderstanding on the part of the Spaniards when Indians told them the name of a river : originally , it was known simply as ‘ New Castille ’ . )
21 The name of ‘ tweed ’ now associated with a rough-surfaced , hard-wearing cloth arose from a misunderstanding between Scot and Sassenach .
22 I 'm happy to say that this , this matter which arose from a misunderstanding on the basis of a grant from the European Social Fund .
23 One such arose from a technicality associated with the Copernican system .
24 They used the language of murder about the slave trade and Fox proclaimed himself an enthusiast for ‘ that zeal and warmth which arose from a sense of justice and was that kind which made men act with energy in a noble cause ’ .
25 He said the offence arose from a sense of ‘ outrage ’ because McWalters believed Chitty had molested a friend .
26 The images of youth arose from a society in which the middle class was reviving its claim to political and cultural leadership at the very time when it was being challenged by the new class politics .
27 The project arose from a pilot study carried out in 1982-3 with the support of the Nuffield Foundation and was one of two parallel projects sponsored by the Scottish Universities French Language Research Association , ( the other , Lyon a la une being unfunded ) .
28 That need for compromise arose from a feature shared by much of the Greco-Roman world : ancient states , being reliant on agriculture , faced a permanent struggle to prevent civic assemblies from being dominated by the urban population ; Rome solved this by eventually allowing dual citizenship — that is , citizenship both of Rome and of the home community whose constitution would be modelled , in a municipal way , on that of often faraway Rome .
29 The second story came from Branson himself , and arose from a tip-off from a journalist named Carla Dobson who worked as the assistant to the Daily Mail gossip-columnist Nigel Dempster .
30 The case arose from a magazine article accusing him of having revealed details of President Kurt Waldheim 's alleged Nazi past to an SPÖ conference in October 1985 .
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