Example sentences of "apart from [art] few " in BNC.

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1 He has hitherto fought shy ( apart from a few marginal incentives ) of trying to increase total savings through the tax system .
2 The administration of the Famine was remarkable for the absence of nearly all leading Bolsheviks , apart from a few speeches from one or two of them .
3 Throughout the three month test I did n't have any trouble with my feet apart from a few blisters after first wearing them .
4 Apart from a few notable exceptions , all they care about is feet through the door and selling beer .
5 The business of turning bark into stoppers is very much a cottage industry , apart from a few modern factories .
6 It is exhaustive , impeccably organised , and generally well written ( apart from a few Germanicisms like telephoning ‘ over ’ instead of ‘ via ’ Sweden , and Norway 's defence being ‘ overmanned ’ instead of ‘ overwhelmed ’ ) .
7 Apart from a few minor displays , they are free of aggression toward their own kind .
8 Yet , apart from a few family friends , there was little support for such views .
9 People were aware of the hard struggle ahead and of its significance , but were generally calm and confident , apart from a few nervous expressions of the difficulties involved in conquering ‘ these vast spaces ’ .
10 Yet apart from a few scattered Tory voices , there is no public debate .
11 What they all have in common is a basic commitment that the vines should have been cultivated without the use of chemical fertilisers , pesticides , fungicides or herbicides ( except for a few age-old things like Bordeaux mixture ) , and the wine made without chemical additives or agents — apart from a few natural and/or traditional substances .
12 Apart from a few individuals the hill sheep industry has shown remarkably little concern or demonstrated any important initiative in tackling this problem .
13 However , Baxter found the people , apart from a few notable exceptions , to be rather apathetic and unresponsive to the message of the Gospel .
14 Apart from a few fanatics , there was a general disinclination to apply the laws directed against them .
15 Apart from a few policemen patrolling the quayside , the event was unremarkable .
16 Apart from a few bit parts , the rest would be real people .
17 She had concluded , with relief , that apart from a few episodes of moodiness from Sarah , they had taken it very well .
18 Apart from a few pickpockets in Rangoon , street crime does not exist .
19 A lack of foreign exchange means that , apart from a few Toyotas , there are virtually no new cars in Rangoon .
20 Libraries both public and institutional are disposing of books without any public debate , apart from a few over-heated outbursts in local newspapers and professional journals , forgotten as soon as read and never taken seriously .
21 What is perhaps more disturbing is Harden 's statement that , apart from a few recently introduced measures , efforts to conserve the soil resource are not being undertaken , implying that soil conservation is not an intrinsic component of local agricultural practices .
22 But apart from a few minor lines the Wüppertal line remains the only substantial operations .
23 Apart from a few technical experiments , cable services the world over rely on coaxial copper cable similar to the wires that connect the TVs in people 's living rooms to the aerials on the roof .
24 Apart from a few statutory exceptions based on tax , fraud and other predictable areas , the Salomon principle of separate legal personality is still applied to subsidiary companies .
25 Apart from a few scabs here and there and other tell-tale marks around my body my exuberance for life , living and loving , had returned .
26 Apart from a few , most additives have no nutritional value whatsoever .
27 Fortunately , the wave of crack that swept American ghettos and the Caribbean has not taken root in this country apart from a few isolated cases in the North of England .
28 Apart from a few more beers , ’ deadpans Dan , who has n't got any hair at all , and pretend to be unimpressed even by the supremely impressive .
29 Who , apart from a few latter-day Edwardians , is interested in a windbag with a funny beard , who wrote ( at great length ) about socialism , and whose ( long ) plays are comedies of ill-manners , featuring semi-melodramatic characters from a forgotten age ?
30 I was initially concerned about weatherproofing , as tongue and groove timber has no overlap ( unlike shiplap or featheredge ) , and being secondhand had a good few nail holes , but apart from a few boards showing a bit of damp , it has proved satisfactory .
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