Example sentences of "less than [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If we assume , instead , that the poorest in the locality benefits ( though not fully ) from the cuts in central tax , a higher output will be chosen as a result of the cut in taxes , though this will be less than output OX 2 , the output that would be chosen if an equivalent lump-sum grant had been received .
2 In admitting a highly promising but less than conformist Sheffield Grammar School boy to Gonville and Caius College , the university placed Keeton under the tutorship of one of the most astute and world-wise masters in the Law .
3 While the papacy of Pope Paul had remained uncomfortably unidentified with either ‘ progressive ’ or ‘ conservative ’ , that of John Paul became increasingly closely tied to the latter , and at times in a state of not much less than guerrilla war with the ‘ magisterium ’ of the Church 's principal theologians : a truly strange position for a pope to be in .
4 Taxonomic richness in predator assemblages is always less than habitat richness because of predator selectivity , so that the numbers of species in a predator assemblage can never be greater than were actually present .
5 I do n't think you 've got that right somehow , there 's no way , that retirement pension will be less than Income Benefit , it 's always a bit more .
6 The effects ranged from the hilarity and confusion produced by laughing gas ( nitrous oxide in less than anaesthetic doses ) to a simple diminution of the sense of pain by fever-reducing drugs of the coal-tar dyestuffs industry ( see Chapter 2 ) .
7 There is some irony in the fact that many schools are on the one hand educating children about healthy eating and on the other selling at break time nothing less than junk foods such as crisps , chewy fruit sweets and chocolate bars .
8 My idea of a truth-and-justice lone avenger never appears in less than platoon strength , preferably nuclear-armed .
9 With so much land to be disposed of , it was hard to make them put up with anything less than freehold tenure , and so it was almost impossible for the proprietors to make very much out of their estates .
10 This has been capped by the well publicised current appearance of no less than Rain Man ( Warner ) for sale ( £14.99 ) as well as for rent , when hitherto the two spheres have tacitly been regarded as mutually exclusive .
11 In the second case , however , compulsory acquisition at less than market price involves an actual loss since the owner is not only deprived of his property but is also compensated at a price which might be less than he paid for it and would almost certainly be insufficient to purchase a similar parcel of land in the open market .
12 The department may be involved separately in approving particularly large schemes or where projects involve UDCs disposing of land at less than market values .
13 so erm , in , in some sense , it is with the Secretary of State 's consent , erm , the land was conveyed back at less than market value as it stood , but erm , er , and I guess there are a variety of views on that particular er , aspect of the situation .
14 For such instances to be relevant , the purchase price for the assets must be significantly less than market value .
15 The most important of these will be specified in the Articles of Association , and may well oblige the manager to sell his shares at a price probably less than market value .
16 A character with Metallurgy will know of the adulteration , one with Numismatics will know the coins are worth less than face value .
17 Race goers are advised not to buy a ticket offered at less than face value , while anyone who 's concerned about a ticket they 've already bought should get in touch with the course .
18 er but erm that kind of thing where you can sort of scale the responses in some way or say how many times a week or say how many times in the last year or how many times since Christmas or something erm fine yeah you can do , you can do stats on that , you can hopefully find P less than point O five etcetera etcetera between the different groups
19 erm er then it does help , if you 're looking for P less than point O five , and are n't we all these days , erm
20 Or if you 're comparing people with themselves as it were , that is looking for differences between how they answer one question and how they answer another question , then sort of , you know , kind of twenty or more people and you 've got a reasonable chance of showing up some , some P less than point O fives .
21 The tasks identified for coordinators by the Authority could not be carried out with anything less than enactor status .
22 Thus investment spending by firms may be greater or less than the volume of saving , government spending may be greater or less than tax receipts , and exports may be greater or less than imports , but it must be the case that a deficit or surplus in one sector is exactly offset in one or more of the other sectors .
23 ‘ Collusion ’ should , certainly for antitrust purposes , refer to a form of conduct , not the value of an outcome : collusive behaviour might well result in less than monopoly profits .
24 More cogently , some observe that these analysts track the credit quality of up to 35 companies apiece , and are paid significantly less than equity analysts on Wall Street .
25 Sodium absorption from the rice-based solutions was similar but significantly less than sodium absorption from HYPO-ORS and WHO-ORS ( p<0.01 ) .
26 It was abandoned when the new church was built in 1909 and in less than severity years has fallen into complete ruin — a good indication of how severe the Dales weather can be and how quickly buildings succumb to its assault .
27 And a leading energy analyst , Walter Patterson , has calculated that IGCC plants cost more to build than natural-gas stations but much less than coal stations .
28 As a result , the amount of the proceeds deemed to relate to the debt will be less than par value .
29 If your qualifications are not from the UK , or if you have studied in the UK for less than threee years by the start of the academic year for which you are applying , you are considered an overseas student for the purpose of entrance .
30 The level in Britain is less than lemon juice
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