Example sentences of "lay [adv prt] in the " in BNC.

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1 We live on the fourth floor of one building , in what , by Chinese standards , are luxurious conditions : we each have our own bedroom , living room , and bathroom , with drinking water , cigarettes , and thermos flasks of hot water ( for making Chinese tea ) laid on in the living room .
2 She observes that the prisoner is following a prohibition laid down in the Old Testament , but that a rabbinical ruling had allowed Jews to eat in the camps on Yom Kippur in order to stay alive .
3 Matlock , who won the Trophy in 1975 , lost 1-0 at home to Stalybridge Celtic , but Celtic 's centre half Micky Kilduff had signed for the club only six days before the game , instead of the seven laid down in the rules , so the match has been awarded to Matlock .
4 Her job is to push Cabinet ministers ‘ to do what is right ’ ; this involves reminding them of the Government 's strategy laid down in the manifestos and combating what she regards as the inertia inherent in departments .
5 Obtain your LM 's as poppy seed granules from pharmacy which you completely trust as having followed the procedure laid down in the Organon .
6 Unless extra resources and training are made available , the ESO procedure laid down in the Children Act 1989 may not herald a new emphasis on the causes of truancy .
7 There is not the space here for a detailed examination of the regime laid down in the 1981 Act and the Education ( Special Educational Needs ) Regulations 1983 , as amended .
8 However , despite the teacher 's independent authority to discipline pupils , the test laid down in the case of R v Rahman by the Lord Chief Justice Lord Lane for the limits to a parent 's right to detain his/her child probably offers a guide to teachers .
9 It is certainly not due to anything laid down in the egg or due to anything special about the first two divisions .
10 Wilson wrote back on 28th November , saying that the Treasury Lords considered that the accommodation laid down in the competition had little relevance to the current proposals .
11 The Foreign Office accommodation , with the possible exception of the Foreign Secretary 's residence , would be almost the same as that laid down in the competition .
12 Failure to observe the requirements laid down in the byelaws usually leads to a fine whether or not prejudice to health or a nuisance occurs .
13 This example of evaluation is related to the parameters laid down in the first part of the chapter .
14 But Chevenement has created a body which is better equipped to achieve the objectives laid down in the law .
15 An example of this is the rather complicated procedure laid down in the JCT 1980 form for extensions of time .
16 The surveyor who is appointed as supervising officer may not need a detailed knowledge of the law surrounding building contracts but should certainly have a full working knowledge of the procedures laid down in the contract .
17 The test of obscenity laid down in the Obscene Publications Act 1959 derives from the common-law offence of obscene libel , which rests on
18 Sailors in the US Navy of the 1920s who returned from leave with more than they bargained for after dallying with the local ladies faced a set medical routine laid down in The Medical Annual :
19 Today every single living thing that has ever lived , from a bacterium to a plant or a fully formed animal , has been built according to specifications laid down in the molecules of the dna called chromosomes .
20 He recognized in Hitler certain ‘ gifts ’ that could be further developed and used to project Germany with powerful force towards the ideal of the ‘ Superman ’ laid down in the philosophy of Nietzsche , and to re-vitalize the ancient Aryan heritage .
21 She felt he was looking at her professionally now : a woman who had only had two cups of coffee for breakfast , who had not gone shopping or taken herself out to lunch as she had planned , who , in the old days , never seemed to waste a minute , who never laid down in the middle of the day and yet was now stretched out on the bed , inert , apathetic , openly admitting that she had n't realised the time .
22 Claims brought in respect of loss of cargo will be governed by the rules laid down in the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1971 , the Hague-Visby Rules .
23 A haulier taking up credit finance under the 1974 Act must sign a document in the prescribed form to comply with conditions laid down in the Consumer Credit ( Agreements ) Regulations 1983 as slightly amended by the Consumer Credit ( Agreements ) ( Amendment ) Regulations 1984 .
24 To understand what it is to trump and to revoke should we attend to the use laid down in the rules of the game for trump cards , or should we attend to the characteristic feelings of trumping and revoking ?
25 Indeed , his account of their interests gives the impression — and perhaps gave the same impression to Lanfranc — that they were a lot of old gossips chattering about wonders and miracles and gifts of relics , when they should have been engaged on more serious religious observances , or on the studies laid down in the Rule .
26 As early as 1524 , Henry had given up all hope of Catherine bearing another child , and by the time he became infatuated with Anne Boleyn two years later , he had already begun to convince himself that his wife 's failure to give birth to a son who survived infancy was a sign that his marriage to his brother 's widow was sinful , in that it had broken the laws concerning affinity laid down in the Old Testament Book of Leviticus ( chapter 20 : verse 21 ) .
27 Indeed , Lord Plowden ( who was at the time a civil servant engaged in economic planning and subsequently the chairman of a public corporation ) has recently suggested that the blueprint laid down in the Act was arguably too detailed , and that questions such as the division of powers between the centre and Area Boards could rationally be placed within the purview of nationalised industry management rather than of Parliament .
28 I am unaware of any allegations of malpractice at the prison I visited , but it has often been claimed elsewhere that frauds are common among both staff and prisoners responsible for storing , weighing and distributing food , and that the actual consumption per prisoner can be up to 20 per cent below that laid down in the regulations .
29 In the West Indies the original unity laid down in the Carlisle grant disintegrated as the Leeward Islands broke away from Barbados and Jamaica was set up with an entirely separate governorship .
30 It was enacted that the vill should not be required to pay the cost of service beyond the county boundary , that the equipment required of troops should not go beyond that laid down in the Statute of Winchester , and that service overseas should not be required as an obligation of tenure .
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