Example sentences of "lay down [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The vehicle fulfils the conditions laid down under s 159 ICTA 1988 excepting clause 2(c) .
2 L 178 , p. 5 ) ) , only in connection with the residence requirement laid down for shareholders , and it will therefore be considered only in the context of part ( b ) of the question as I have reformulated it above .
3 The European Council " underlines the importance of respecting the timetable laid down for ratification to ensure in any case the entry into force of the Treaty as of Jan. 1 , 1993 " .
4 The regulation of British Gas followed the general principles laid down for BT two years earlier , so it will suffice to concentrate on the latter .
5 The stringent health and safety standards laid down for homes would also tend to direct patients to its purpose-built facilities .
6 Sometimes it is hard to love a rebellious and rude teenager , to endure the appalling racket of pop music , to cope with disobedience and flagrant disregard of rules laid down for family life .
7 Chapman 's absolute authority over the team and his concern for their performance on the field was highlighted by the firm rule he laid down for match days .
8 Wheelchair travellers used to cross the track on boards laid down for mail trolleys.But now the disabled are being forced to make an eighty mile detour via Shrewsbury to get to Hereford because British Rail have taken up the boards for safety reasons.We joined the Leominster Disabled Access group on a trip to Hereford .
9 For in one follow-up meeting after another , in Belgrade and Madrid and finally Vienna , the human rights standards laid down at Helsinki were refined and tightened , while Romanian internal policies either stood still or moved in the other direction , that is to say downhill .
10 These negotiations were unfruitful and the ILP continued to press its Members for acceptance of the conditions for group membership laid down at Birmingham .
11 Also attracting interest is Arthur Boyd 's ‘ Frightened Bridegroom II ’ ( signed , oil and tempera on muslin laid down on masonite , 137x183cm ) , painted in 1958 .
12 This sale of modern paintings will have as its top lot Chagall 's ‘ Self portrait with flowers ’ , 1969-70 , with the estimate of £200–300,000 ( $350–530,000 ) , and will also put on offer Modigliani 's drawing of circa 1914 ‘ Caryatide ’ ( charcoal on paper laid down on canvas , 71.5x49cm , est. £70–90,000 ; $125–160,000 ) .
13 This enacts in statutory form the rule laid down in Christie v. Leachinsky ( H.
14 As such it is seen as the first part of a larger work , to be completed by sequel works of a similar kind but which will be separately specified and will be covered by separate agreements in accordance with the terms and conditions laid down in Clause 14.1 .
15 It would be necessary , if the evidence were to be admitted under that doctrine , that the three conditions laid down in Ladd v. Marshall should be fulfilled .
16 If this decision were to be upheld , the appellants stand to lose their liberty and , in my judgment , it would not be right that such a result should occur when the evidence is excluded only on the basis of the rather stricter rules laid down in Ladd v. Marshall .
17 Indeed , the Court of Appeal has indicated that the law laid down in Lonrho has effectively resulted in the unlawful means category no longer existing in any meaningful form ; but until the law is finally clarified by the House of Lords it seems justifiable to continue to speak of two forms of the tort .
18 The strain of conducting frontier warfare against the French and their Indian allies , without assistance from the south , forced the Massachusetts assembly to ask for help from England in terms that showed a reasonable willingness to co-operate with policy laid down in London .
19 Somerset 's governmental changes included the legalization of the English language as the official medium , the introduction of English currency , the setting up of a council of advice , and attempts to ameliorate the treatment of slaves in accordance with new policies laid down in London .
20 It was also over 50 per cent more than that laid down in codes for the relief of famine as a basic subsistence diet ( Kynch 1989 ) .
21 Inside the ark were the tablets of the law — the supreme verbal statement of God 's holiness ( 26:16 ) ; at one and the same time the reason why God dwelt alone ( for none can match his holiness ) , and why by means of blood a sinner might enter his presence ( for the blood speaks of life laid down in payment for sin ) .
22 The House of Lords upheld the law laid down in West 's case , Lord Scarman stating at p189 :
23 ‘ For a long time the courts have , without objection from Parliament , supplemented procedure laid down in legislation where they have found that to be necessary for this purpose .
24 ‘ For a long time the courts have , without objection from Parliament , supplemented procedure laid down in legislation where they have found that to be necessary for this purpose .
25 Is he aware that that figure is now 0.4 per cent. , which is way below the guidelines laid down in legislation ?
26 President Bush had announced to the US Congress on Jan. 15 his decision to release US$42,500,000 in military aid to El Salvador , on the grounds that guerrillas of the FMLN had failed to comply with certain conditions laid down in October 1990 , when the United States decided to withhold the aid [ see p. 37770 ] .
27 ‘ The constitutional function performed by courts of justice as interpreters of the written law laid down in Acts of Parliament is often described as ascertaining ‘ the intention of Parliament ; ’ but what this metaphor , though convenient , omits to take into account is that the court , when acting in its interpretative role , as well as when it is engaged in reviewing the legality of administrative action , is doing so as mediator between the state in the exercise of its legislative power and the private citizen for whom the law made by Parliament constitutes a rule binding upon him and enforceable by the executive power of the state .
28 TSMChange , which helps monitor and implement structural changes should be available by Christmas ; TSMChange , a graphics tool for visually representing structures and their components is planned for March 1993 ; and TSMLevel , which warns when the targets and constraints laid down in service level agreements are threatened should also be available by March .
29 On the other hand , there is the blueprint for EMU laid down in stages two and three of the Delors report , a far more ambitious scheme which would mean a European central bank , a single currency , a framework for budgetary policy and , in effect , pave the way for political union .
30 Once such an amendment of the articles is in place we would suggest that the chairman of the board ( or the company secretary ) should ascertain each board member 's decision by phone and minute as follows : ‘ Following the procedure laid down in Art 93 ( or whatever ) of the company 's articles the board resolves that … ‘ .
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