Example sentences of "lay out in the " in BNC.

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1 I send minutes laid out in the proper style .
2 Entries can be on a postcard laid out in the manner of the entry coupon .
3 Entries can be on a postcard laid out in the manner of the coupon .
4 Inglewood must have been a perfect foil for the grand civic buildings of Liverpool , with its open timber balcony on the south side overlooking terraced and formal gardens laid out in the ‘ Old English ’ style .
5 In the centre of the formal gardens laid out in the 1930s is the Singing Fountain by F. Terzio , cast in 1564–8 .
6 There is an extensive rose garden , separate from the Observatory , laid out in the 1930s .
7 All these data will help to inform the stage of development into which the records-of-achievement movement is now moving , namely that of nationalization following the proposals laid out in the 1984 policy statement .
8 The mellow stone of the edifice — she hesitated to call it a house — was modelled into an elaborate copy of a French château , complete with round , steepled towers at the corners and an intricate garden laid out in the foreground …
9 A proposal to accept the draft Russian constitution as a basis for the new Constitution was amended to the more general wording of giving " approval of the general concept of constitutional reforms in the Russian Federation laid out in the basis of the draft constitution " .
10 Data Input Pages These require data to be entered into one or more fields , laid out in the manner of a form ( figure 8.2 ) .
11 They were laid out in the formal style 300 years ago by James II 's gardener , Guillaume Beaumont .
12 Outside , the gardens have been laid out in the Italian style , with wide staircases from level to level , which should look spectacular when more mature .
13 Elsewhere fully grown trees were uprooted , and were found laid out in the direction of the blast .
14 In 1920 , a connecting line was built from Blundell Street to the railway siding , and the site was laid out in the form of a tramway avenue , served by a tram traverser installed in 1922 .
15 The chief trade was in corn , pork , cattle and agricultural produce , on average £10 000 to £15 000 weekly being laid out in the purchase of grain .
16 Salisbury had been laid out in the thirteenth century , rather in the fashion of the twentieth century garden cities .
17 The works production shops were to remain laid out in the form described for progressive building and repairing , only marginally altering over the years to accommodate new designs and techniques , such as the Stanier all steel body panelling design of the early 1930s .
18 Different types of shops are laid out in different ways — you would n't expect an expensive dress shop to be laid out in the same way as a supermarket , for example .
19 Mr X was found guilty and sentenced in May 1981 , and it is difficult for anyone who reads the story as laid out in the pages of the BBPS to see how his guilt could have been established beyond reasonable doubt , in view of the conflicting scientific evidence .
20 The victims were laid out in the churches to be claimed by relatives , many , reportedly , still showing a spark of life which was ignored in the general rush to clear up .
21 The gardens were laid out in the eighteenth century by a French landscape gardener for the then owner and founder , the first Conde de Carvalhal .
22 ZERO SITS ON A swivel office chair and clicks on his Quadra 900 Macintosh PC with 240 megabytes of memory and a keyboard which he has remodelled to conform to his own idea of how a keyboard ‘ should have been laid out in the first place ’ .
23 The immediate general objectives of the EEC , as laid out in the Treaty of Rome , were ‘ by establishing a Common Market and progressively approximating the economic policies of Member States , to promote throughout the Community a harmonious development of economic activities , a continuous and balanced expansion , an increase in stability , an accelerated raising of the standard of living , and closer relations between the States belonging to it ’ .
24 For the last ten years or so , feminist commentators on social policy have remarked upon two particular features of the British social security system : first , that it is based on clear and consistent views about the nature of marriage and the economic and social relationship between husbands and wives ( Land and Parker , 1978 ; O'Donovan , 1979 ) ; and secondly , despite considerable changes in the position of women in society since the principles of the modern social security system were laid out in the Beveridge Report ( Beveridge , 1942 ) and consolidated in post-war legislation , the system itself and its principles have remained obstinately impervious to change ( Land , 1975 ) .
25 The formal gardens were laid out in the 18th century .
26 These high moorland stone-walled fields near Malham , West Yorkshire , were laid out in the eighteenth century .
27 The original monastery physic gardens were fairly plain , with rectangular or square beds in lines , but as time went on , and private households began to grow their own medicinal cures , food flavourings and fragrances , the sites devoted to herbs became more elaborate , until they were often laid out in the " knot " style , an intricate arrangement of beds said to have taken its name originally from the lover 's knot .
28 It seemed inevitable that he would take the bait that had been laid out in the Park for him .
29 How about the BMA really setting the government an example by ( a ) encouraging all its disabled staff to register as disabled with guarantees of no discrimination , and ( b ) taking prompt action to move from its current level of 1.5% of workforce disabled , towards the 3% target as laid out in the 1944 Disabled Persons Employment Act ?
30 " This Meeting having considered an overture of the Kirk Session of Bowmore … respecting the procuring of Mortcloths for the better and ordinary Classes of people … do hereby agree to Guarrantee to the said Kirk Session , that whatever sum shall be laid out in the purchase of the said Mortcloths , the Princl. sum and interest shall be reapid to the Session , before they are rendered unfit for use …
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