Example sentences of "maybe [pers pn] [vb mod] just " in BNC.

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1 ‘ What happens is that maybe I 'll just see the shape of some chords , or where my fingers should be on the frets .
2 Hey , thanks for trying , but maybe I 'll just go back to bed with my cocoa and my Simply Red CD , if you do n't mind awfully .
3 Maybe I 'll just take it from you , ’ said Duvall .
4 Then at about 4:58 I thought maybe I 'll just listen to the match report , there may have been a fight back … & what ya know … 3–3 ! !
5 As the last of the boys arrived I thought that maybe I could just make my way to the back of the queue , or sprint back to the changing room on one pretext or another and conveniently lose my place in the line .
6 Maybe I should just lean over — fall in and drown ?
7 She circled three times , then thought to herself , ‘ Maybe I should just take any exit — at least I 'll be heading somewhere . ’
8 Maybe I should just stay in my tank , and make the most of the City .
9 Maybe I should just 've stayed here and untangled Mrs Wertenheimer 's fight with her landlord .
10 Maybe I should just go on doing this all night .
11 But maybe you 'll just sell us the collection and take some money for it ?
12 Maybe you 'll just want it
13 Well maybe you should just
14 Maybe you could just get it started for me . ’
15 Maybe you can just .
16 and I 'm just wondering if maybe , maybe we will just have to do a wee bit of work and try and get something on the go to see if somebody will
17 ‘ Those who argue that maybe we should just once more try to delay it must face up to the responsibility that they may , by their good intentions , create much more suffering than anything we have seen so far .
18 ‘ You 're right , Franky , ’ I said , ‘ maybe we should just tell him ‘ cup ’ every time he asks , ‘ What 's the meaning ? ’
19 Yeah maybe we should just forget the whole thing you know .
20 You might have to face anger and disgust from your children , though with divorce and family disruption now so commonplace , maybe they 'll just shrug with boredom .
21 I do n't know maybe it may just be come down to sort of the individual theatres I suppose
22 Maybe it might just make his mother realize he was alive .
23 Maybe he could just crash his way through .
24 Or maybe he could just ask us what team to pick ; - )
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