Example sentences of "push her [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 When Laura complained at breaktime that Peter had done the same again , pushing her towards the broken tiles which had recently been blown off the junior hall roof , Janice felt that Peter needed to be shown that what he had done was dangerous and unacceptable .
2 ‘ I 'll see you on Saturday , same time , same place , ’ Edward said giving her a quick peck and pushing her up the steps of the bus .
3 ‘ If anyone 's to blame , it 's me , for pushing her over the edge .
4 But Keith was already pushing her into the living-room , bubbling with what he had to say .
5 Then she felt his arms beneath her shoulders , lifting her , pushing her into the lavatory , locking it behind him .
6 Meredith felt her legs give way , and lost her balance , but Lucenzo snaked out a hand and caught her expertly , firmly pushing her against the hatch and holding her there while she regained her equilibrium .
7 She felt as though someone had pushed her off the pleasant , grassy path on which she had been walking , and down a vast , black cliff-face .
8 Agnes had pushed her onto the bed .
9 Deborah Ford , 29 , said later that her husband had pushed her from the path of the shark .
10 I push her through the door .
11 Tony found that the best thing to do was to put her in the buggy and push her round the town , or take her to the park .
12 Adam smiled , shook his head to signify he wanted nothing , took Billie 's arm and pushed her towards the lift .
13 He pushed her towards the door , then reached into his coat pocket and took out a packet of cigarettes .
14 Jumping in after her , Perdita pulled off Enid s wig to reveal scant grey wisps and pushed her under the water , where the aquamarine hostess gown billowed up to display fawn pop socks at the end of fat , purple legs .
15 ‘ His indifference pushed her to the edge whereas he could have romanced her to the end of the world .
16 The appellant attacked a girl aged 13 as she was walking home in mid-morning ; he put his arms round her waist from behind , pushed her to the ground and shouted ‘ Let me have it . ’
17 But when Jinny stepped towards the back door , he pushed her into the sitting-room instead .
18 As Tabitha was trying to get past a couple of coked-up Thrants in expensive shakos and boiled leather , one of the Palernians turned a clumsy somersault , and one of the others pushed her into the canal .
19 ‘ Are you suggesting Joseph pushed her into the water as she walked through the harbour ? ’
20 Just one shot and I pushed her into the water .
21 Then he pushed her into the bathroom and locked the door .
22 The boy carried her out into the snow and pushed her into the ground , turning her so that she faced the tent and the cluster of trees that formed their crude and failing shelter .
23 He lifted a strong hand , signalled brusquely for the Mercedes to pick them up , and pushed her into the rear seats , sliding in next to her .
24 One pushed her into the passenger seat while he got into the driver 's seat and the other jumped into the back .
25 He found her new white Christmas-present nightdress hanging on the back of the dressing-room door , and heaved her into it , then opened the bed , and pushed her between the sheets .
26 Then I hugged her again and pushed her through the door because I thought that if it lasted any longer I would cry .
27 Although Liz 's body is disposing of alcohol at the rate of about one unit a hour , her last drink pushed her over the legal limit for driving of 80mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood .
28 She must have forgotten a few things in the holidays , like the time I pushed her in the school goldfish pond .
29 For answer he pushed her in the shoulder , and when she almost tipped over the bird cage at her feet his other hand came out and , steadying her , he laughed down into her face as he said , ‘ Sarky little bitch , are n't you ?
30 Then he swung her round , lifted her with his strength and pushed her against the wall .
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