Example sentences of "no [adv] see [art] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 But as a result many West Germans no longer saw the Soviets as a threat and there were growing signs of resentment about Kohl 's pro-US policy and the presence of NATO forces in Germany .
2 So how far away did you have to put them before you no longer saw the interference ?
3 If , in the copy , each square is replaced by some other mark — a hollow triangle , say — you will no longer see a rotation .
4 She can no longer see the water maiden .
5 When I looked back I could no longer see the clearing .
6 He sensed the growing tension in Mariana and felt her turn her head so that she could no longer see the wall of cloud less than half a mile to their left .
7 He waited until he could no longer see the reflection of her candle , before going back to the dining room .
8 She could no longer see the Steep yet the feeling of the dark airless room she had left behind , the sound of her foster-parents breathing heavily in the close darkness , still seemed to hang about her and draw her back .
9 But too many of them have been weaned on the habit of chopping up the New Testament into bits ( sorting out the sources , contemporary themes and ideologies of Aramaic Palestine or the Hellenistic world ) so that they can no longer see the scriptures as a sacred text aflame with the divine drama .
10 Holly could not resist , and they squeezed him out from the hole and when his feet were clear the two men stamped together on the steel plate to flatten it back , and between his knees he could no longer see the whiteness of snow on the stones and the zebra flash of the sleepers .
11 In a second , Bathsheba could no longer see the sky or the ground .
12 ‘ Publishers should no longer see the sale as a way of trying to sell the unsaleable , ’ said BML .
13 He averted his eyes quickly , and realised that he could now no longer see the ground through the dragon .
14 This spreadsheet is to be used to keep weekly scores for 16 boys and the problem it posed is that when you want to type in scores for weeks in the second half of the year or for Harry , Ian and John and so on whose names are entered to the right of the spreadsheet , you can no longer see the row and column labels — unless you freeze these titles .
15 I 'd just like to say one of the things that I feel very sad about , Bill , is when I see the line up of all the people in the the heads of state , or things like that , I no longer see a dress , I no longer see a hat , and I still have n't got used to the Prime Minister ‘ he ’ .
16 I 'd just like to say one of the things that I feel very sad about , Bill , is when I see the line up of all the people in the the heads of state , or things like that , I no longer see a dress , I no longer see a hat , and I still have n't got used to the Prime Minister ‘ he ’ .
17 When I see a spider 's web , I no longer see the sinister aspects that I once saw .
18 Some find it hard to make a decision because they 've got out of the habit or they no longer see the need .
19 As someone who hates being pestered by incoming calls , I no longer see the point of a cellular phone .
20 But cutting this benefit will throw up hard cases , what worries a Tory elder is the way younger MP s approach the decision whether to support the Government on a pick and mix principle , he says , they no longer see the need to take the rough with smooth , to vote for the things they detest as well as those they like .
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