Example sentences of "no [adv] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 These ideas are no better illustrated than by Massine in his The Three-Cornered Hat .
2 The fortifications of the town are no better known than the streets .
3 The same rule holds true when simple fillings no longer suffice and a tooth has to be crowned or a bridge has to be placed .
4 He no longer drives a two-tone Rolls , no longer smokes or drinks , and he 's changed the colours of his Victorian house in Primrose Hill from black to white .
5 Although Mr Morris will spend a lot of time in the chair presiding over debates … with custom dictating that he will no longer vote or speak in the chamber … his new duties go far beyond that .
6 Although Mr Morris will spend a lot of time in the chair presiding over debates … with custom dictating that he will no longer vote or speak in the chamber … his new duties go far beyond that .
7 Since historicity and textuality are no longer imagined as smooth pegs sliding into smooth holes , but are seen as irregular and variable-sided , fitting them together will presumably involve some difficulty .
8 There are grounds for qualified optimism because in the past 18 months South Africa has renounced its nuclear ambition , no longer considering that there is a regional threat to the authority of its state .
9 She no longer felt that she needed to defend herself , or even to account for herself , there .
10 Pozsgay , the first senior Communist party official to admit publicly that the 1956 uprising was a popular revolt , had resigned from the Hungarian Socialist party in November 1990 because he no longer felt that any existing political party totally reflected his views .
11 She no longer wished nor was able to gain her own ends by military means , the handling of which is , after all , the Chiefs ' raison d'être .
12 Arabs are no longer seen as cowardly and loathsome terrorists ; their determination and solidarity has impressed their enemies .
13 Arabs are no longer seen as cowardly and loathsome terrorists ; their determination and solidarity has impressed their enemies .
14 More and more parents every year are opting for independent schooling for their children : it is no longer seen as exclusively the preserve of a privileged class .
15 I think , in fact , if I 'm right about soaps becoming more conservative in this way , then does this mean that feminist arguments are no longer seen as relevant for a mass audience ?
16 Big is no longer seen as beautiful .
17 In the changed social environment of the reform years , this solution was no longer seen as adequate because there were new problems .
18 Theologically separated Christians are no longer seen as simply ‘ outside ’ the Church , ( except by some internal desire on their part ) but , on the contrary , recognized as being united visibly with the Church even if in a state of ‘ imperfect ’ communion .
19 It did , nevertheless , develop a theology of marriage in which procreation was no longer seen as its sole purpose , but conjugal love was recognized as of equal importance , and this inevitably placed the issue of contraception in a somewhat different light .
20 On the immediate constitutional front , corruption was attacked ; virtual representation was no longer seen as enough ; and whilst some attacked the rights of landed property in politics urging the principle that every man of means should be directly represented , some went further to attack the political privilege of all property arguing for the " rights of man " , complete equality , and a democratic republic based on the true sovereignty of all the people .
21 Voluntary work was no longer seen as either a stepping stone to bigger and better things or as a part of a women ‘ s mission , but rather as the exclusive province of married women .
22 Protest is no longer seen as being the preserve of the ‘ lunatic fringe ’ ; the nature of the nuclear threat is understood as something which affects everyone .
23 Also ownership is not the measure of whether something is an asset or not — substance over form — the case of leasing is a good example of how in contemporary accounting practice the idea of legal ownership is no longer seen as vital .
24 The main problem is that the policy approach that has evolved is no longer seen as efficient .
25 The Council declared that the Church of Christ is to be found here , but it no longer says that it is not to be found anywhere else as well .
26 The team would do what the individual could no longer do because the organisation was becoming too large and/or complex .
27 Her tiredness was such that Hazel could no longer study and she failed all her school exams .
28 You no longer signal when you 're pulling out to overtake , ( unless to warn fast-approaching traffic behind you ) ; nor do you signal right when pulling out from the kerb .
29 State legislatures and Congress are no longer gripped as they once were by the dead hand of privilege .
30 Increasingly El Al finds it can no longer assume that people will choose to fly with it just because it is a Jewish airline .
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