Example sentences of "visit to [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This should not be a formal response during the education committee 's infrequent assessment visits to a school but should be a regular , in depth assessment of the type of teaching and general experience provided on each course .
2 On Friday , Scotland Yard strongly denied reports that Royal Protection Group officers were asked to supply details to the security services of secret visits to a man friend , said to be Gilbey , by the Princess of Wales .
3 I have known one idiot ( nameless ) who did not heed this simple advice and made two visits to a water garden centre in ten minutes , earning the unfair accolade of ‘ groupie ’ .
4 It involves five or six visits to a clinic or hospital for key investigations which include blood tests , semen analysis , an ultrasound examination and a minor operation to check that the woman 's tubes are clear .
5 Where data have a hierarchical structure or where units do not all have the same number of variates recorded ( due , for example , to different numbers of visits to a clinic ) , the more elaborate structure of a database will be needed .
6 The tour includes boat trips along the Kok and Mekong Rivers , visits to a handicraft village , the gold studded temples of the region , hill tribe villages and their local markets and the Chiang Mai night market .
7 Mr Clay went on to tell of his visits to a bone-setter , who successfully healed him after an accident .
8 It requires three visits to a hospital after a woman has been accepted as legally entitled to an abortion — which means she must have the agreement of two doctors and ‘ qualify for ’ the abortion only on certain grounds .
9 Trading standards officers are once again making their presence felt in the book trade with visits to a number of bookshops around the country .
10 In late June Hrawi and Hoss paid visits to a number of Gulf States including Bahrain , Qatar , Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates .
11 The clinic staff make weekly visits to every slum home providing effective follow up to clinic visits , whilst encouraging good health practices at home too .
12 News film of the General Assembly disturbance shows much shouting and placard waving but nothing that comes near the sort of heckling and barracking to which present-day government ministers are regularly subjected in visits to the north of England !
13 I have seen that myself in visits to the north .
14 Initially the South responded cautiously to the Northern invitation to reciprocate : South Koreans who undertook unofficial visits to the North were subject to long terms of imprisonment under the country 's National Security Law .
15 These were ( i ) the abolition of the draconian National Security Law relating to sedition and espionage ; ( ii ) admission of a North Korean " consolation " delegation to visit three South Korean dissidents imprisoned under the National Security Law for having made unauthorized visits to the North ; and ( iii ) the authorization of South Korean dissidents to attend a pro-unification rally due to be held in Panmunjom on Aug. 15 , the anniversary of Korean liberation from Japanese colonial rule .
16 These were ( i ) the release of South Korean dissidents imprisoned for making unauthorized visits to the North ; ( ii ) termination of the annual South Korean-US " Team Spirit " military exercises ; and ( iii ) an end to South Korea 's attempts to achieve unilateral entry to the United Nations .
17 Both sides reiterated their established positions ( within which there was little common ground ) , and the North also outlined three preconditions for further progress : ( i ) the scrapping of Team Spirit ; ( ii ) no separate UN membership for the Korea states [ but see pp. 38191 ; 38437 ] ; and ( iii ) the release of those imprisoned in the South for having made unauthorized visits to the North .
18 The increased public interest in maps was shown by the pattern of outreach activities featuring visits to the Map Library from educational , special and general interest groups , as well as by the illustrated lectures given elsewhere by Map Library staff .
19 In fact she had wondered before why Johnny had always worn civvies , as he termed them , on his visits to the cottage .
20 He had to shave , grey bristles ; for Parker had gone bald suddenly ( and very young , a terrible fright , he had awoke one morning , all his hair was on the pillow ) and his wigs — he had three , short to long to shaggy ; the ploy , he hoped , visits to the barber — were black for blue .
21 This meant first a period in hospital , then periodic visits to the clinic .
22 At return visits to the clinic women are questioned by a doctor or a nurse and the information recorded on a special form , including details of pregnancies and their outcome , changes in contraceptive practices , and reasons for referral to hospital .
23 She was a quick worker and her knitting and sewing , her cleaning of the two rooms and kitchen , her preparing of the evening meal against Ron 's return , her visits to the clinic and her regular letters to her mother in Darlington to report thereon , did not fill the day .
24 Once this is achieved , the person can be encouraged to increase the time between visits to the toilet .
25 By slightly increasing the time between visits to the toilet , the bladder will be able to contain more urine and the risk of sudden incontinence is reduced .
26 Later in the morning Owen paid one of his infrequent visits to the Ministry of Finance .
27 In 1853 , after visiting the Strand union workhouse to see an old nurse , she conceived the idea of systematic visits to the workhouse by neighbourhood ladies to say prayers and converse with the inmates .
28 The flow of information , visits to the company and discussions with management are strictly controlled to ensure equal dissemination of information .
29 At that time , visits to the Company will be scheduled .
30 It was a seventh Haydock victory for Twin Oaks from eight visits to the course , and the performance delighted Richards .
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