Example sentences of "aware that [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 He was also aware that similar arrangements were being explored between Nottingham and the East Midlands District and that the Cambridge Board/Eastern District solution might set a national precedent .
2 The emphasis is on economic research , but the Centre is keenly aware that other disciplines are concerned with policy questions .
3 Provisions not identified below as being required by the Companies Act or as being necessary to ensure a practice 's ability to comply with the Rules are simply suggested by way of guidance ; practitioners should be aware that other approaches may be taken to the matters covered by such provisions .
4 Provisions not identified below as being required by the Companies Act or as being necessary to ensure a practice 's ability to comply with the Rules are simply suggested by way of guidance ; practitioners should be aware that other approaches may be taken to the matters covered by such provisions .
5 But we have to be aware that other contexts of interpretation , other ways of reading , are also constructed by the institution of literature .
6 Aware that absolute holists can not live up to their own tenets , they offer a different distinction between the two approaches so that , rather than being seen as strict alternatives , they are held to be complementary .
7 Clare was aware that black caps occasionally over winter , and that their song is sometimes mistaken for that of a nightingale .
8 Patrick slowly went upstairs , well aware that renewed creaks announced his progress .
9 the extent of reliance which can be placed on the information to be included in the report : to avoid misunderstandings the client should be made aware that suitable caveats may need to be included in the report .
10 In my experience I was acutely aware that Irish lesbians had been active within the English women 's movement for many years .
11 Most of the sex in the original text survives but the producers are aware that fictional nipples are being counted by the kind of heaving bodies which consist of several men in suits .
12 Do what you can to deal with the problem during the day and be aware that sleeping difficulties are temporary and will pass with time .
13 Like his [ sic ] colleagues in most developing countries , he is , to say the least , unprepared and unwilling to serve in rural areas and has to be forced to do so although he is fully aware that rural areas and people are most undeveloped and disadvantaged because of lack of human , material and financial resources ....
14 Anglo-Saxon archaeology has n't come to a crisis point as did prehistoric studies in the early 1960s ; rather it is gradually slipping into new directions with the establishment of a generation of archaeologists more aware that alternative approaches exist to be tried and which have been available for 20 years .
15 Is the Minister aware that Japanese employers in Wales recently expressed concern about the level of skills of possible recruits ?
16 We are aware that serial killers and the like are merely expressing themselves , working out their various hang-ups and generally freeing themselves from those inhibitions which might , if suppressed , make them less complete human beings .
17 Knowledge in this context means either actual knowledge , which may be inferred from the conduct of the accused , or wilful blindness , which exists where the accused is aware that certain circumstances might exist but closes his mind to them .
18 The Minister will be aware that certain allegations have been made about incidents in homes in Gwynedd , and in other parts of Wales , during recent months .
19 Is he aware that Western Isles is contemplating the closure of as many as five secondary schools next year because of the revenue shortfall faced by the council ?
20 Most members of the ruling élite , though , were becoming increasingly aware that Western contacts were inevitable , and should not merely be passively endured but exploited to Japan 's advantage .
21 Most of us , however , are aware that tabloid newspapers still talk patronisingly about ‘ old folk ’ , but the ageism of serious journals and newspapers is not always recognised .
22 The council are aware that various complaints have been made to them concerning land opposite ours where tipping has taken place , including the disposal of asbestos .
23 So as you watch Manchester United and Nottingham Forest battle it out on the box in the Rumbelows Cup final this afternoon , be aware that technological advances and television 's equivalent of the newspaper circulation war are about to transform coverage of the game beyond all recognition .
24 The same existential emphasis made Fanon acutely aware that oppositional identities emerge not simply against , but from within , the terms of their oppression .
25 Because he made that statement when discussing the concentric spheres with which Aristotle had built the cosmos , he was evidently aware that authoritative world-pictures were not inviolable .
26 He was aware that famous players of those roles had developed their own ways of interpretation and tricks , which were then handed down from generation to generation .
27 He was aware that present-day zoos were no longer dedicated to this ideal , although he was n't so sure about some of the visitors .
28 It is necessary to be aware that future conditions and demands may be very different from those of the present .
29 Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that environmental assessments , or statements , that accompany private or hybrid Bills may take two forms ?
30 Readers with even rudimentary medical knowledge will be aware that swollen joints , clenching hands and itching or scaling skin are among the baleful symptoms of advanced psoriatic arthropophy .
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