Example sentences of "prepare [pn reflx] for [det] " in BNC.

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1 Wordsworth had some idea of what was going on , as he had prepared himself for this second visit by reading pamphlets , and probably had a letter of introduction to Brissot ; but at first he was only sentimentally affected by the ideals of the Revolution .
2 She also wanted her own business , and during her years in the trade prepared herself for this by learning as much as she could about bookshop buying , repping and wholesaling , financial administration , rights and coeditions , export sales , publicity , and paid-for promotion .
3 Sheila Whelan prepares herself for another day 's work .
4 She knew he had killed one of her countrymen the previous evening , and she supposed he was now preparing himself for all the others he would fight .
5 The unguarded nature of the latter , which was never worked over by Thomas , provides occasional glimpses of the youth who left St. Paul 's after his seventeenth birthday in order to achieve a twofold purpose : ostensibly to please his father by attending a few practical evening classes and in the day by preparing himself for some form of Civil Service clerical post , while privately , he sought the freedom of a young nature-writer who was determined to collect his papers into a book .
6 I had been preparing myself for that moment for a long time , he typed , as Harsnet had written .
7 That is why , wrote Harsnet , I have been preparing myself for that moment for a long time , that is why I have cleared the decks and prepared the ground , because unless the decks are cleared and the g round prepared there is little hope of succeeding in what one has planned to do , little hope of achieving anything of lasting value , though lasting is a relative term and so is value and whatever it is one has planned to do is certain to be altered in the process , which does not of course mean , he wrote , that one can start anywhere at any time .
8 ‘ I thought 14 years was a fair spell but I felt a bit sad and it will be hard to let go but I am preparing myself for that .
9 All my life , he wrote , I have been preparing myself for this moment , but if I have prepared myself correctly then it is so that when the moment came I should not be encumbered with the sensation of having waited for it all my life , for such a sensation , wrote Harsnet , is too heavy a burden for anyone to carry .
10 I have been preparing myself for this for the whole of my life , he wrote .
11 They held their line and competed hard in midfield , damping down Oldham 's initial verve and preparing themselves for more of the same in the second half .
12 Prepare yourself for these laments now that Britain 's law lords , its highest court , have ruled that interest-rate swaps between councils and banks , related to billions of pounds of underlying debt , are unlawful .
13 Nevertheless , prepare yourself for some surprises when you cross the borders .
14 How are we going to prepare ourselves for that competitive market er if our interest rates are such that they 're starving industry of it 's investment and pushing business after business into liquidation and throwing people out of jobs ?
15 In addition , the learning steps a student must follow to prepare himself for each test are specified .
16 Should Alan Ingram 's verdict on the Budget be widely held , Mr Lamont would do well to prepare himself for that growth to stop dead in its tracks .
17 Dave breathed a sigh of relief but realised that he would have to prepare himself for another day .
18 Before his arrival she endeavoured to prepare herself for all exigencies , but this was difficult to do because she had no idea what sort of a man he was going to be .
19 TO PREPARE MYSELF for this latest , and biggest Grudge Match , I run through the list of my opponent 's useful weaknesses : over-caution , middle-pocket anxiety , last-six-colours angst , plus a Plutonic rage whenever snookered more than once a frame .
20 ‘ It 's a sad time for me , but this is something for which I 've been trying to prepare myself for some time , ’ he said .
21 To prepare themselves for this , Neil Miller , the dealing director , told dealers to read a quality newspaper preferably the Financial Times , but the Daily Mail at a pinch .
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