Example sentences of "replace by a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately , the 12.35 a.m. tram journey on route 16/18 was not replaced by a corresponding bus journey from Westminster to Purley .
2 The chilliness in Blanche 's feet and hands was replaced by a pulsating warmth as her mind raced with the implications of what Urquhart had told her .
3 Every staff member who leaves , retires or ceases their employment of the Bank , should be replaced by a full-time official .
4 Kohlberg has speculated on the existence of a seventh stage in which the universal human perspective is replaced by a holistic cosmic perspective which might have a religious or even a pantheistic orientation .
5 The office of president ceased to exist upon the death in 1980 of Marshal Josip Broz Tito [ for which see pp. 30472-73 ] , being replaced by a Collective State Presidency whose eight members ( one from each republic and province ) are elected for five years ( most recently in May 1989 — see pp. 36662-63 ) by the bicameral Federal Assembly ( Parliament ) .
6 The lip-to-lip contact had been replaced by a polite peck on the cheek and the royal couple behaved more like acquaintances than lovers .
7 At Rio the old station was replaced by a modern skyscraper which doubles as a clock-tower , but at Belo Horizonte , a provincial capital in central Brazil , a massive station survives from 1922 .
8 At Christchurch , proposals to replace the Gothic station of 1877 had been made at the time of the First World War and again in the 1930s , but it was not demolished until the 1950s , when it was replaced by a modern station more successful than most .
9 This was in turn replaced by a modern station in the 1960s .
10 After Muir of Ord JTR got off the train at Conon Station as did I , and walked down by the river to sketch from the Telford bridge of 1809 now replaced by a modern version built in 1969 .
11 About 1868 a new school was built but this has now been replaced by a modern and forward thinking school for five to eleven year olds .
12 The original school has been replaced by a modern one with spacious play areas , and the old one has been converted into a home for the elderly .
13 Also in the Corinthian Order , it has an almost intact peristyle of 20 columns but the entablature has been replaced by a modern roof .
14 The Society of Authors set up a powerful lobby , which convinced a Parliamentary Committee that the common law of obscene libel should be replaced by a modern statute which afforded some protection to meritorious literature .
15 The principal reason is that the Government will be defeated in four or five months ' time and be replaced by a Labour Government who will take the Bill off the statute book as soon as they come to power .
16 The Left argued that " the mere fact of the Chamberlain Government being overthrown and replaced by a Labour or People 's Government would be a defeat for Hitler and Mussolini " .
17 They have been replaced by a Labour leadership keen to blame many of their problems at the Government 's door .
18 But the smile disappeared to be replaced by a doleful frown when she had to go into dinner herself — and sit next to her husband .
19 No miller was allowed to buy or sell grain or flour except surplus toll corn until after the reign of Elizabeth I and although the influence of the soke began to wane during the seventeenth century , toll-in-kind was not replaced by a monetary charge until an act of 1796 .
20 In the early days of the system , the majority of timarli were cavalrymen — the spahis — but during the seventeenth century the janissaries ( yeniçeri ) began to replace the spahis and the timar system was allowed to decay , being replaced by iltizam , a form of leasing under which the obligation to raise troops was replaced by a monetary payment .
21 At Ipoh , the capital of the state of Perak , an early station was replaced by a stuccoed structure , quite different from that of Kuala Lumpur , with prominent quoins , powerful arches , and three levels of verandas , surmounted by balustrading and a dome .
22 By the same token , the exchange relation expressing the social division of labour and the separation of the socio-production organisation into independent capitalist enterprises is replaced by a technical division of labour within an organised ‘ national economy ’ .
23 On a visit to the United States on May 19-21 Kohl , accompanied by Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher , assured his hosts that his government did " not want to see the long-standing Atlantic alliance in any way weakened , still less replaced by a European structure " .
24 These envisaged peace on four conditions : if the Russian protectorate over the Danubian Principalities was replaced by a European guarantee ; if Russian control of the mouth of the Danube came to an end ; if the Straits Convention of 1841 was revised in the interests of the European balance of power ; and if the protection of Ottoman Christians by Russia was replaced by the collective protection of Europe 's five Great Powers .
25 The CAP should be scaled down — thus releasing resources for industrial and investment — and replaced by a European Good Food Policy .
26 When the man 's shift was over , he was replaced by a shabby flute player .
27 In a letter from Tangier to Ken in London — Orton was known to write to him on toilet paper — he told Williams that ‘ Bill and Mike ’ kept Ken 's picture on the bar for several days until replaced by a half-empty Chianti bottle .
28 If a collective ethic is replaced by a personal one , we are not left a landscape without virtue .
29 5 The result of deletion of the new technology agreement is that hte majority of staff will have an allowance of £763 per year replaced by a personal allowance of £468 per year .
30 He was replaced by a Muslim revolutionary regime dominated by a 79-year-old theologian , the Ayatollah Khomeini .
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