Example sentences of "throw back [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ No , this he threw back into the bushes when it snapped and turned in his hand .
2 Then he was thrown back across the table , sprawling beneath the lights like an unwilling patient .
3 I have seen in my own area where wee lads who were on the border line of going one way or another regarding life in Northern Ireland , ending up getting jobs and doing great for a year and at the end of the year just thrown back onto the dole and people have lost interest in them again .
4 Frightened now , hemmed into the confined space with no escape , they ran in unison , a few steps one way , then the other , heads thrown back above the shifting bodies , yellow eyes ablaze .
5 When considering why the DLV underwent this very swift and conspicuously awkward change of heart , we are once again thrown back on the resources of the imagination .
6 Those who had previously found part of their income from ironmaking were thrown back on the less adequate resources of Wealden farming , although a small number of nomads continued to burn charcoal for the London market , camping in branch and sod hovels as they migrated from wood to wood .
7 ( c ) The charge If the conveyance or transfer does not fall within the provisions of s83 , one is thrown back on the previous stamp duty position : ( i ) conveyance or transfer on sale This incurs a charge to ad valorem stamp duty at 1 per cent unless the conveyance can be certified at £60,000 or less ( see below ) ( Finance Act 1984 , s109 and Finance Act 1993 ) ; or ( ii ) conveyance or transfer " of any other kind " In such a case fixed stamp duty of 50p is payable unless the instrument can be certified as being one within The Stamp Duty ( Exempt Instruments ) Regulations 1987 ( SI No 516 ) .
8 There is no doubt that there will be teething problems and that some things will be thrown back at the International Board .
9 Misumenops nepenthicola , a spider , lives there and captures flies ; if these are distasteful they are ( sometimes ) thrown back into the pitcher ; if disturbed , the spider goes down into the liquid on a thread , its armour and a bubble of air making it immune to the digestive juices there .
10 The living turtle is then thrown back into the water , in the mistaken belief that it will re-grow its shell .
11 I hate angling just because the fish does n't scream it does n't mean the hook did n't hurt when it was inserted and then taken out when the fish is thrown back into the water because it is n't big enough .
12 I remember her , head thrown back in the middle of some joke she was making , and that sudden glint of gold , like treasure in a cave .
13 Only to be thrown back by the magic of the fire in the tree , the tree spirit , herself , flickering through time , watching , watching for the clay-haired rider .
14 As far as Wales are concerned , the feeling afterwards was a sense of relief for being able to throw back at the French everything their opponents threw at them and a mood of confidence that their hard work is slowly paying dividends .
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