Example sentences of "throw [pn reflx] [adv] on " in BNC.

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1 Oh Jane , my hope … my love … my life ! ’ and he threw himself despairingly on the sofa .
2 He threw himself down on the bed with his head on my stomach , groaning , and between the groans saying that he would be a good husband in future , he honestly would , he adored me , he was very ashamed and only hoped I could forgive him .
3 Suddenly he threw himself down on the ground and rolled over and over in the dust .
4 Tavalouze marched forward and gracelessly threw himself down on the cushions .
5 He threw himself down on the huge old bed and stared at the sloping timber ceiling .
6 No , he was n't , because his head came up and he threw himself back on the ground behind him and he was rolling around in a heap of laughter .
7 Her voice ended in a shrill scream , as she threw herself back on the table and flung open her legs .
8 She laughed and threw herself back on the pillows .
9 She threw herself down on the sofa , and slept .
10 She threw herself down on the bed and started crying wildly .
11 When she threw herself down on the grass , he had expected Underwood to take advantage of the situation , but he sat upright and apart .
12 She scuffed through the gap in the chalk circle and threw herself down on the sacks .
13 She peeled off her wrap , threw herself down on the bunk and gloomily contemplated the future .
14 ‘ Some charm , ’ she muttered as she threw herself down on the bed .
15 On the bank , the trumpet twittered again , and the water became full of spray and hurtling bodies as shoremen left their attack and threw themselves back on the sand .
16 They threw themselves down on the street or took shelter behind cars and in doorways .
17 I threw myself back on the bed with a laugh .
18 She 'd never throw herself away on some dirty old man . ’
19 ‘ He is small of stature and , like a small fellow who throws himself around on the rugby field , he brings out his natural aggression through falling off things and doing stunts .
20 He throws himself entirely on the divine generosity of which he has already had such rich experience .
21 It was typical of everything Louise was that she should have thrown herself away on that dreadful Randall .
22 You are all I 've got , all I 've got left to build my life on ; my life has been one long frustration , and to stand aside and see you throw yourself away on scum like … ’
23 I have worked for you in all ways practically from the moment you were born and I 'd die rather than see you throw yourself away on the likes of her ; for she is scum , and I repeat it , scum .
24 After a moment I lifted my head and cried , ‘ Do n't throw yourself away on an animal like him !
25 He broke his neck by throwing himself down on top of the reactor . ’
26 Corbett groaned and went up to his chamber , throwing himself down on the small cot and reflecting on what he had learnt .
27 I howl , and I throw myself down on the floor .
28 ‘ I need help , sir , ’ the old man said , ‘ and I have no alternative but to throw myself quite on your mercy . ’
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