Example sentences of "exist [prep] the time " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately no single governing body for hypnosis exists at the time of writing .
2 Hopper and Fonda were looking for finance , although all that existed at the time was an eight-page outline for the plot , which Fonda had been toting around .
3 Only fourteen comprehensive schools existed at the time when Tony Crosland was writing : good grammar schools could not simply be swept away , nor the rights and duties of Local Education Authorities brushed aside .
4 The accounts for the first year indicated quite clearly the recognition of the social divisions which existed at the time .
5 It must be remembered that what is described is , almost without exception , the church as it existed at the time of writing .
6 The amount of surplus ACT included in the claim must be capable of being determined by reference to circumstances that existed at the time of the claim ( see Proctor & Gamble Ltd v Taylerson ( 1990 ) STC 624 ) .
7 The educational regimes apparent in early asylums pay tribute to the humanitarian spirit which existed at the time .
8 It would seem obvious that at least some of those practitioners had not in fact vanished at all , but still existed at the time of the Crusades .
9 … Whatever be the true view with regard to the act or neglect , I think that the appellant is entitled to say that the respondents ' ‘ default giving rise to the action ’ existed at the time when he suffered his injuries .
10 I can see nothing in section 61 to suggest that these trust provisions apply only if the trust existed at the time the deposit was made .
11 On Aug. 23 the Minister of Home Affairs , S. B. Chavan , presented a bill to the Lok Sabha ( lower house of parliament ) which sought to prohibit the conversion of any place of worship that existed at the time of India 's independence from the United Kingdom in 1947 .
12 It is a long established rule of law that where a contracting party refuses to perform his contractual obligations by giving a wrong reason , this does not subsequently deprive him of a justification which in fact existed at the time of refusal ( see Taylor v Oakes ( 1922 ) 27 Com Cas 261 ; Braithwaite v Foreign Hardwood Co Ltd [ 1905 ] 2 KB 543 ; and Fercometal SARL v Mediterranean Shipping Co SA [ 1989 ] AC 788 discussed in Chapter 15 ) .
13 Baroness Hooper 's letter stated that help with NHS charges for students were based on an individual assessment of ability to pay and on circumstances which existed at the time a claim was made .
14 Some of these animals were and are big : one species which existed around the time of the catastrophe was 15 m ( 50 ft ) long .
15 The imagined Philip ceases to exist at the time of the older critic 's death ; the real tribute to Mr Noble was Thomas 's finest book , inscribed to his memory .
16 Such a notice may be served where an odour has occurred and is likely to recur on the same premises , the advantage being that unlike an abatement notice there is no need for an odour to exist at the time of service .
17 The work was actually carried out in 1971–72 , although the lease did not take effect until February 1974 just two months before the old county borough ceased to exist at the time of local government reorganisation .
18 A confession will now be excluded if it is the result of ‘ oppression ’ or if it is the consequence of ‘ anything said or done which was likely , in the circumstances existing at the time , to render [ it ] unreliable ’ ( emphasis added ) .
19 Some early maps of this type show , albeit crudely , the kinds of houses existing at the time of drafting , and it is possible to appreciate the difference between the houses of , say , the more well-to-do freeholder and the lowlier tenant .
20 Small mammal faunas in the fossil record provide one of the principal methods of interpreting the ecology or habitat existing at the time the fossils were preserved .
21 The requirement to take ‘ all practicable measures ’ involves more than taking reasonable care : it means doing what is feasible in the light of the state of knowledge existing at the time of the alleged breach of duty , thus knowledge as to the availability of abatement methods and the likelihood of the dust or fumes to cause injury or offence is relevant.l
22 Covenants existing at the time of the 1988 Budget are not affected by the change and can continue as before until their expiry .
23 Most current schemes of assessment for lower-attainers existing at the time the report was written , concentrated on computational skills .
24 The court may annul a bankruptcy order if at any time it appears to the court that the order ought not to have been made ( on any grounds existing at the time the order was made ) or the debts and expenses of the bankruptcy have all been either paid or secured to the satisfaction of the court since the making of the order ( s 282(1) ) .
25 However , major defects existing at the time of the sale are another matter .
26 A US magistrate denied the request under the treaty existing at the time , which barred extradition if the defendant was charged with acts ‘ political in nature ’ .
27 The main right-wing opposition party , National Renewal ( RN ) , criticized the description of the political circumstances existing at the time of the coup , but otherwise gave the report a favourable reception , as did the parties of Aylwin 's centre-left government and the mainstream left .
28 Where liability for negligence is excluded by a notice , the reasonableness of the exclusion depends on whether it would be fair and reasonable to allow reliance on the notice having regard to the circumstances existing at the time liability arose , or would have arisen .
29 There are , of course , an increasing number of exceptions but concerns still exist about the time involvement of clinicians and whether it represents the most valuable use of their time .
30 If the videos are at any time broadcast for public viewing the Publisher will negotiate a residual fee which will be in line with the agreement for minimum fees that exist at the time between the Society of Authors/Writers ' Guild and ITCA/BBC .
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