Example sentences of "along with the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Those three , along with the aerospace bits of AEG , an electricals company also owned by Daimler , will be run as a new Daimler subsidiary to be called Deutsche Aerospace .
2 Pigments such as ultramarines and chrome yellows and oranges along with the invention of paint tubes encouraged the revolution of the 19th century impressionists with their vivid , colourful canvases .
3 A third small group is encountered near the beginning , in a Florida town ( along with the alligator ) , moving about in a desultory but slightly menacing way .
4 He points out that after the first few days the violence vanished along with the hype and , instead , young black men from warring gangs actually got together to discuss the film .
5 This , along with the concerto by Shostakovich 's teacher Glazunov , was recorded live in Tel Aviv in July 1988 so there is a spate of clapping at the end .
6 Eastern Europe 's opening to the Third World ( along with the influence of Cuba and Vietnam ) add credence to the view that diplomatic solutions to international difficulties can have no validity without taking into account the interests of the socialist camp .
7 They were forgotten , along with the conflict which had , briefly , and perhaps not very deeply , divided the generation of Ambrose and Symmachus in the 380s and 390s .
8 In pastoral sermons , the archbishop continued to oppose civil divorce , claiming that the weak would suffer as a consequence , along with the well-being of society .
9 Counterfeiting is a deliberate attempt to confuse consumers by copying a well-known trademark , generally along with the packaging , to suggest that a product is made by a manufacturer with a good reputation when it is , in fact , inferior .
10 Although the Beech will still come to the UK ( the ‘ shocking pink ’ colour scheme being replaced with an authentic USAAF paint job ) , its place in the race will be taken by a Douglas A–26 Invader which is expected to arrive in Britain imminently and will be based at North Weald , along with the Beech .
11 Education in rural areas faced substantial problems , but the programmes of land reform , the development of co-operatives and higher levels of community organization , along with the provision of more educational opportunities , made learning seem more useful and attractive .
12 What I have always said is that way you set up supervision behind the programme is the most crucial , so therefore if I can sit down and help them to set up the most strenuous type of supervision to go along with the equipment , then they feel safe and the community feel safer that none of them will go out and commit another crime .
13 After filling in various forms for insurance , I was weighed and my weight written down on my hand along with the colour of the Bungee Cord I was to use — the colour varies according to weight .
14 In 1245 , when the king began to rebuild the abbey itself , Edward became keeper of the works , along with the master mason and a representative of the abbot and convent .
15 She attended her memorial service along with the Queen Mother and Princess Margaret at the Chapel Royal in St James 's Palace .
16 He was n't prepared to be carried along with the wave and the various things that he said about Europe were completely right for what he said .
17 As new lands were discovered , rights to exploit inshore fish , seals and other assets were sometimes claimed along with the territory , but neither policing nor management were usually practicable .
18 Along with the ending of the " Period of Rebellion " President Lee also formally announced the termination of the " Temporary Provisions " ( effective during the " rebellion " ) and promulgated a number of major amendments to the country 's Constitution [ see p. 37917 for President Lee 's December 1990 announcement of his intention to rescind the Temporary Provisions and also for Kuomintang approval of a constitutional reform package ] .
19 By an oversight on Friday , we did not send the Collateral Agreement along with the Publishing Agreement .
20 Some might well be Balliol supporters and go along with the Earl for that reason .
21 Then , in 1237 , at the request of a Parliament which conceded the king taxation , he was added to the king 's council along with the earl of Surrey and William de Ferrers .
22 This activity , along with the History of Ageing ( see C below ) is being undertaken at the Group by the Rank Xerox Unit of ageing .
23 While I ca n't say I actually enjoyed the experience — as usual , two shirts flaked me out and put me in a bad mood for the rest of the day — I did find the whole process a whole lot easier on the nerves than throwing a glass of water across a shirt in the hope that somehow the creases , along with the water , would eventually evaporate .
24 But some doctors report that such ‘ distant ’ symptoms clear up , along with the diarrhoea and bloating , when candidiasis in the gut is successfully treated .
25 When you have finished with the artwork , it can be stored in a stiff envelope or a file , along with the component layout diagram , so that it can be modified or re-used at a later date .
26 The cassette-recorder was in his pocket along with the knife .
27 The Spirit which rested upon him is now made over to them , along with the mission on which he was engaged ; this too is theirs .
28 Therefore in the USA the methods of collective bargaining associated with the heyday of competitive capitalism were outmoded and eventually destroyed along with the breaking by employers of union control of the labour process .
29 It is now on display ( along with the liner Queen Mary ) at Long Beach , California .
30 Along with the sermon on the Mount , it was the favourite reading of Mahatma Gandhi and indeed both ( in very different ways ) encourage selfless devotion to others and the principle that the end does not justify the means .
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