Example sentences of "treat in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Marks & Spencer and Waitrose both have champagnes which you could usefully treat in the same way if you have to cool dark hole to bung them in .
2 The workers at the hot and noisy forges , who included women and children , were cruelly treated in the nineteenth century .
3 Queen Mary 's Hospital at Sidcup has cancelled all waiting-list surgery for ‘ at least ’ five weeks after more patients than planned were treated in the first five months , producing a £205,000 overspend on top of £200,000 it has to find for under-funded pay awards and other pressures .
4 The global left ventricular ejection fraction and rapid ST segment resolution did not differ significantly between those treated in the first 2 hours and those treated later .
5 Can my right hon. Friend comment on the recent improvements unveiled in the Guy 's hospital patients charter , with 3 , 500 more patients treated in the first six months , with better staff conditions and with lower waiting lists ?
6 Co-ordination of transport , nationalization of coal , gas and electricity , in short the basic measures carried out between 1945 and 1950 were treated in the new programme as the " four vital measures of reconstruction " .
7 In a measured reconsideration of Blincoe 's account , after a modern historian seeking to defend the early cotton masters sought to discredit it , Professor Musson concluded : There is no doubt whatever that many children were exploited and ill treated in the early textile mills , that they were used as cheap factory labour , that their hours of work were far too long , that accident , ill-health and deformities were common , and that cruel punishments were often inflicted .
8 But small though it is , Barèges was one of the first Pyrenean spas to make its name , mainly because Louis XIV 's sick son was sent there to be treated in the 1670s .
9 I can assure you that any information given during the interview will be treated in the strictest confidence .
10 I would like to ask your readers if they would write to me concerning their experiences in trying to get an idea developed to the production stage , all of which will be treated in the strictest confidence .
11 All comments will , of course , be treated in the strictest confidence .
12 Centres ' replies to the questionnaire , which will be treated in the strictest confidence , will be used to inform our thinking about the future development of these qualifications .
13 Individual replies have , of course , been treated in the strictest confidence , but some of the aggregated results of the survey are summarised below .
14 As I said before I need to take one or two notes about your current financial situation and I 'd like to draw your attention to the fact that any information you give me will be treated in the strictest of confidence .
15 ‘ Any information will be treated in the strictest confidence , and your purpose for being there is of no interest to the police . ’
16 Agriculture and Medicine are both treated in the Applied Sciences , and the Social Sciences class , 300 , subsumes Economics , Politics , Law and Education .
17 Thus it is necessary for every headteacher to consider very carefully just how governors are to be treated in the 1990s .
18 Doctors will be able to use the kit for regular screening for lung and gastric cancers , which account for 70 per cent of cancers treated in the western world .
19 They can be treated in the short term with an anti-male hormone injection from the vet and this will see them safely through difficult periods without the need for the unkindest cut .
20 Yet since 1987 , the level of child sexual abuse diagnosed in Cleveland has been shown to be no higher than elsewhere in the country , and an increasing number of people locally take the view that she should be treated in the same way as myself — allowed to return to work as a paediatrician in Cleveland , but restricted from working in child abuse for the time being .
21 It is possible for teachers to keep a personal notebook which does not form part of the record and is not open to subject access , but if information is intended to be used officially and passed on to the next teacher it should be treated in the same way as the formal record .
22 Remember that adults should n't be treated in the same way as you would treat children .
23 Certainly these associative processes can just as readily be interpreted as constituting an associative mechanism for categorization or concept formation in that they allow physically different stimuli to come to be treated in the same way .
24 In experiments using the within-subjects designs of fig. 5.3 or of Table 5.1 ( e.g. Grice 1965 ; Reese 1972 ; Honey and Hall 1989c experiment 3 ) , initial training involves three stimuli , two , A and B , being treated in the same way and the third , C , being associated with a different outcome .
25 Freedom of expression was treated in the same way : ‘ Any man may … say or write whatever he likes , subject to the risk of , it may be , severe punishment if he publishes any statement ( either by word of mouth , in writing or in print ) which he is not legally entitled to make ’ .
26 There were criticisms of the way that fundamentally different subjects , such as the humanities and the sciences , were to be treated in the same way .
27 On the left is a mole carcase turned inside out with many of the bones still attached to the inverted skin ; in the middle , partial remains of mole ( top left ) and vole ( bottom left ) treated in the same way , and bird remains to the right ; and on the right two kestrel pellets .
28 It would have been interesting to have had such contemporary problems , deriving from the college 's success , treated in the same detail as the early problems , when it was still seeking the way ahead .
29 Unlike in the private sector , borrowing for investment was treated in the same way as borrowing to finance current spending ( on labour or raw materials ) .
30 He added : ‘ Head injury patients will now have to be treated in the same way as before .
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