Example sentences of "save [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 They 're saving them for the Open . ’
2 Harvey was there in a red-coat uniform , smiling and doing his neat little dances and pretending to drop plates and saving them at the last minute , and the girls were saying ‘ Ooo ’ and slyly studying each other 's hairdos and shoes .
3 For his part , Mr Gaunt claims that 38 of the 50 members who have signed the exemption order saving them from the full rigour of the CFTC 's rules say they do not like the agreement .
4 The text of the letter , which was released in full , expressed regret for misleading the officer by failing to disclose the depth of his opposition to the war , and also thanked him for " saving me from the draft " .
5 If their historical interest had saved them from the pick , the swinging steel ball , and the bulldozer , their intractable lay-out had discouraged renovators who might have put them to some use .
6 ‘ It was a fifty-fifty chance of saving someone on the verge of death , ’ one source close to the surgeons said .
7 ‘ Cup places are up for grabs and I 'll be watching carefully tomorrow to see if any player is saving himself for the semi-final , ’ said Malone .
8 Former French Open champion Walton goes into the third round of the £618,000 championship in second place , two strokes behind Swede Mats Lanner , and 36 good holes away from saving himself from the trip that no player wants to make .
9 And signing on and signing off … the goalie who 's saved himself from the dole queue
10 She remembered mother 's compassion in saving her from the certain shock of such evil envelopes .
11 If Marc was the ogre guarding the crock of gold , then Peter had to be cast as the white knight , saving her from the dreaded dragon !
12 Short had been saving him for the Ascot race .
13 LITTLE Miss Bossy Emma Gardner keeps a firm grip on her brother after saving him from the clutches of a child abductor .
14 IPSWICH TOWN general-manager John Lyall will thank Terry Venables tomorrow for saving him from the wilderness .
15 Whatever vanishing act had saved her from the goon with the gun , it had left her armed .
16 Ever since she had saved him in the snowstorm , George had been uncomfortably aware of her presence .
17 He was one of the most accomplished debaters in the Government but nothing would have saved him from the mauling .
18 At times he would claim that his father had been lashed in front of the town and put in the stocks for poaching a salmon , and told to pray for the soul of Lord I — whose goodness had saved him from the hanging he deserved .
19 How do you know , oh it 's saving it onto the disk now
20 ‘ I am not saving it for the Tour de France .
21 J.B. Priestley once said that it could never quite make up its mind whether it was a port or a resort , but that very ambivalence had saved it from the worst pitfalls of both .
22 And the effect for Locke is this , and again I , I quote the legislative being only a fiduciary power , that is to say a power based on trust a fiduciary power to act for certain ends , there remains still in the people a supreme power to remove or alter the legislative when they find the legislative act contrary to the trust imposed in them and thus the community perpetually retains a supreme power of saving themselves from the attempts and designs of every body even if their legislators whenever they shall be so foolish or so wicked as to lay and carry on designs against the liberties and properties of the subject .
23 Month by month , the chances of saving anything from the wreckage of Bosnia grow less .
24 Professor Black 's TGAT report , for all its expensive complexity , has saved us from the test-led teaching that seemed at one time inevitable .
25 Even then our marker point will have preserved for us a stability in stratigraphical nomenclature and will have saved us from the utterly wasteful vacillations in opinion and fashion that trouble us today .
26 Save him for the Old Bailey and whichever penal dustbin they locked dope peddlers in .
27 The program captures the current image of the desktop and save it into the clipboard , as a TIFF , GIF , PCX or Windows 3.0 file .
28 And I 'm thinking work on your , work on your hard drive and when you 've got it the way you want it and when you 've got it the way you want it save it to the floppy and
29 Save it for the birds
30 Save it for the garden or the great outdoors .
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