Example sentences of "avoid [v-ing] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If the case has been autopsied , all organs should be sprayed liberally prior to placing a viscera bag and care should be exercised to avoid catching the rough edge of bones around the rib cage .
2 Since transmission is largely on a foal-to-foal basis it is good policy to avoid using the same paddocks for nursing mares and their foals in successive years .
3 Many vignerons , however , will wait until the fourth or fifth year to avoid over-straining the young vines , which in turn will ensure a longer and more productive life .
4 For example , both would appear to be better served by a contract which gave A £100 or £500 , hence B — £100 or £1500 ( this has not been drawn in , to avoid obscuring the main points of the figure ) .
5 But the truth is that floundering helplessly between two markets — too old-hat to be teeny-bopper and too twee to be taken seriously — Kylie needs a drastic career re-think if she is to avoid becoming a latter-day Lena Zavaroni .
6 Referring to Western society Gerth and Mills state that life chances include ‘ Everything from the chance to stay alive during the first year after birth to the chance to view fine arts , the chance to remain healthy and grow tall , and if sick to get well again quickly , the chance to avoid becoming a juvenile delinquent and very crucially , the chance to complete an intermediary or higher educational grade ’ .
7 Only Fontwell survived but the course must pass a 7.30am inspection if it is to avoid becoming the 27th casualty of the season .
8 The Chancellor also made a deliberate effort to show that while he recognises the dangers of a rising public sector borrowing requirement , his first priority is to avoid blighting the economic recovery by raising taxes too far and too fast .
9 The drafter may sometimes be tempted to leave something deliberately vague in order to mask its meaning , perhaps to avoid frightening a potential contract partner .
10 You will notice that I never include rice and pasta in the menus on the last day of the week to avoid causing an artificial weight gain — the last thing we want for tomorrow morning .
11 Deburr the ends of the water supply pipes to avoid damaging the 0-ring seal in the inlet ports of the shower
12 ‘ We have to avoid pushing the armed forces towards the most extreme right-wing sectors of the country , ’ says Mr Villalobos , the most pragmatic of the FMLN commanders .
13 But for the vertigo shot alone , a horizontal miniature was built to avoid counter-weighting the heavy VistaVision camera .
14 Surley the changes were not designed to shift debit figures into the past in Mr Young 's time as stewardship , so as to avoid burdening the new management team in the future ?
15 The company admitted that they had done so to avoid paying the new higher taxes .
16 The correct way to cut this type of joint is right through the two points where the sections of border intersect , although care must be exercised to avoid marking the main wallcovering where it would show .
17 For example , he altered the number of children ( line 41 ) from ten to six , to avoid describing an extreme case of misery ; but by making this alteration he weakened the point of the poem .
18 However , Del Harris , the No. 1 , returning to action after a month out , had to work hard to avoid going the full distance with Sami Elopuro before winning 9-5 , 9-2 , 2-9 , 9-7 .
19 Many LEAs deliberately try to avoid invoking the formal legal procedures unless absolutely necessary and have developed procedures which enable individual truancy cases to be examined ‘ in the round ’ , with diagnostic and remedial intervention which obviates the need to press for legal sanctions .
20 By that he sought to avoid alienating the apolitical majority .
21 Although Duke had contested the election as a Republican , he had been disowned by most of the party 's establishment , and the official Republican candidate had withdrawn from the contest in order to avoid splitting the anti-Duke vote .
22 You might also have to avoid stating the obvious .
23 Not as bad as some vintage types admittedly , but , even so , ‘ weaving ’ the nose is definitely a Good Idea if one is to avoid committing the unpardonable offence of Bumping Into Something .
24 Difficult as it is to summarize so majestic a body of work as that produced by Hailey in the days when he reigned supreme as the Colonial Office 's oracle on Africa , it seems fair to say that the main impression to be derived from it is of his anxiety to avoid committing the British government to any course of action which might prove to be irreversible .
25 It is probably best to avoid approaching the obvious High Street names as they receive so many requests .
26 ‘ It is in the interests of both sides to avoid starting a spiral retaliation , which can only harm exports and damage prospects for a GATT agreement , ’ the Board of Trade president told MPs .
27 ‘ It is in the interests of both sides to avoid starting a spiral retaliation , which can only harm exports and damage prospects for a GATT agreement , ’ the Board of Trade president told MPs .
28 The young men holding office were still tactful , and even complicity helped people to avoid saying the wrong things ; but they spoke with the authority of government , and informed their elders of the facts of cases and the truths of matters .
29 This volume was confined to the central area because excavation was restricted to the ‘ core ’ of the plan in order to avoid undermining the existing external wall foundations ( Fig 43 ) .
30 ( Prior to the mass exodus of Albanians to Italy , the Italian government had been thought to be delaying the delivery of food aid to avoid giving a pre-election boost to the communist regime 's popularity . )
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