Example sentences of "publish in the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The former head of talent acquisition at EMI Music publishing in the UK , peter Doyle , explains this :
2 • We at Woodworker aim to publish in the September issue all the features we 've mentioned here .
3 This last attraction may have special appeal to the article 's audience , since it was published in the Millwall programme , raising the spectre of the League 's most feared supporters tooled-up on the terraces , humming the William Tell theme instead of ‘ No one likes us . ’
4 The story , published in the USA in 1845 , was reprinted in England as a pamphlet with the title , Mesmerism in Articulo Mortis , and was widely held to be an account of a real experiment .
5 The letters were obtained by advertising in a Polish-American magazine published in the USA .
6 An article published in the USA in 1867 under the title The Influence of Sewing Machines on Female Health warned against the inherent dangers of seamstresses becoming sexually aroused by the constant motion of the foot treadle , and advised the use of bromide to counteract any improper stimulation .
7 This book will also be published in the USA and in Australia in the coming year .
8 During the meeting with him a few months before his death which was recorded in an article published in the London Review , Philip Roth found him as keen as mustard : here was someone who listened , with the intent stillness of a chipmunk .
9 Last May an article about the Sanctuary was published in the London Evening Standard .
10 The troops who lined the streets at his execution kept the spectators out of earshot , but on the platform were two clerks who took down the King 's last speech in shorthand and , somewhat surprisingly , it was published in the London newspapers .
11 According to documents published in the Washington Times , one of the biggest clients of the escort agency was Craig Spence , a trade consultant who had had close links with the Reagan administration .
12 Levels of background radiation are frequently published in the Moscow press , and a number of environmental consultancies run radiation monitoring services .
13 This book was the cause of considerable controversy when first published in the United Kingdom last year .
14 Such stories would have never been published in the United Kingdom , for instance , where public officials can hide behind punitive laws of libel and press freedom is less assiduously protected .
15 The volume had been published in the United States the year before , and the American critics had been more divided in their response .
16 The National Library of Scotland , as you may know , is one of the ‘ libraries of deposit ’ entitled in terms of the Copyright Act , 1911 , Section 15 , to receive free of charge upon claim a copy of every printed work published in the United Kingdom .
17 The National Library of Scotland , as you may know , is one of the ‘ libraries of deposit ’ entitled in terms of the Copyright Act , 1911 , Section 15 , to receive free of charge upon claim a copy of every printed work published in the United Kingdom .
18 The National Library of Scotland , as you may know , is one of the ‘ libraries of deposit ’ entitled in terms of the Copyright Act 1911 , Section 15 , to receive free of charge upon claim a copy of every printed work published in the United Kingdom .
19 The National Library , as you may know , is one of the ‘ libraries of deposit ’ entitled in terms of the Copyright Act , 1911 , Section 15 , to receive free of charge upon claim a copy of every printed work published in the United Kingdom .
20 The explosion was believed to be a protest by Moslem extremists against the novel The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie , published in the United Kingdom [ see pp. 36450-51 ] .
21 The unanimous decision found the UK in breach of Article 10 guaranteeing freedom of expression when it had banned the Observer , Guardian , and Sunday Times newspapers from printing extracts from the book after it was published in the United States in July 1987 .
22 The University boasts the largest University library in Britain with over two million printed books and in Edinburgh students are well served by the National Library of Scotland , a copyright library entitled to receive a copy of every book published in the United Kingdom .
23 IN EXTRACTS from my forthcoming book , A Cuckoo in the Bodyline Nest , published in the May and June issues of WCM , I wrote that I had been born in Marathon Avenue , Darling Point , Sydney , next door to Gubby Allen .
24 The Sculpture Index , however , published in the May issue , measures something quite different , namely , price movements in the mainstream of the auction market .
25 This is due to lack of space and they will be published in the May issue .
26 The fifth edition of Lenin 's collected works ( 1958–65 ) contained three times as many items as the fullest version published in the Stalin era .
27 Not long afterwards the solution of the general quartic ( or biquadratic ) equation was found by the Italian Ferrari and in 1545 both the cubic and quartic formulas were published in the Ars Magna of Jerome Cardan .
28 The reports , first published in the New York Times , revealed that US investigators now believed that Ahmed Jabril , leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command ( PFLP-GC ) , had paid Libyan agents to carry out the bombing of the Pan American World Airways ( Pan Am ) Boeing 747 flight PA 103 .
29 According to a report published in the New York Times of Aug. 13 , US administration officials accused the Eritrean authorities of diverting food intended for the rest of Ethiopia .
30 At that time I was turning it out with some facility , and I had had two poems published in The Isis in my first year .
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