Example sentences of "express [pos pn] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 Yet I can not relinquish the Situation without expressing my Obligation for your appointment though the Emolument fell short of what I was taught to expect .
2 The local newspaper published a letter from the Queen Mother , as patron of the Georgian Group , expressing her concern for the building .
3 Letter of thanks from Mrs Cunning of the music department of Currie High School expressing her thanks for the cheque for £10 sent to be used for the purchase of music .
4 Since Mr Lawson has long been in favour of a stable exchange rate — and since industry has enthusiastically supported him , by expressing its enthusiasm for membership of the European Monetary System — it is ill-placed to argue against an increase in base rates at a time when sterling was threatening to fall below three marks , although the Confederation of British Industry has predictably grumbled that the rise was unnecessary .
5 The USSR noted ‘ with satisfaction ’ that ‘ Iran is expressing its support for the world-wide democratic international Non-Aligned Movement ’ .
6 China was more reserved , expressing its support for some of the principles in the declaration .
7 Finally , thank you to all those readers who wrote from smallholdings all over Britain expressing their support for the John McCarthy campaign .
8 The two sides also issued a joint statement expressing their support for making Antarctica an international nature reserve , as first proposed by the French explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau .
9 Aelred suggested that the Commission write to the Rev. MacLean expressing their gratitude for all the help he has given .
10 Yes , I think that the crucial thing that 's emerging , especially from the area of artificial intelligence , is that we 're beginning to understand that what the name of the game is getting people to express their intentions , and for a long time we 've been , as it were , stuck in languages that do n't really help you to do that and we 're really beginning to understand now that erm what people are doing when they program indeed , I mean as it were the ace programmers , are expressing their intention for whatever 's to be done in the task the computer 's to perform clearly .
11 Participants were asked to write a letter to themselves as if from an imaginary — or real — ex-pupil , expressing their appreciation for the contribution that they , the teachers , had made to the pupil 's life .
12 In Saudi Arabia Baker met with foreign ministers from the six GCC countries and Egypt and Syria , who issued a joint statement expressing their appreciation for Bush 's March 6 speech and its " positive treatment " to the Palestinian question .
13 Expressing his backing for Rafsanjani 's presidential candidacy on May 7 , 1989 , Khamenei declared that Rafsanjani 's candidacy revived the hope that " our nation will have a much brighter future ahead of it " .
14 Mr Yeltsin meanwhile sent a message to John Major expressing his gratitude for the Prime Minister 's support and understanding .
15 Austin Taylor managing director John Hudson , expressing his gratitude for the support shown , said market conditions were still tough because of the recession but added that joining CSI had greatly enhanced the Bethesda company 's prospects .
16 He found it incredible that Mr Adams should issue a statement within hours of the hospital bombing expressing his concern for patients in the granting of trust status to the Royal Victoria Hospital .
17 Simon was not reticent in expressing his dislike for the Jaguar-driving members who had previously snubbed him .
18 " Yes , I do , " says the shepherd , " but the only thing I could do to express my love for Him has been taken away from me . "
19 IWISH to express my support for the ambulance men and women .
20 Just a quick memo to express my thanks for all that you did on Friday/Saturday .
21 ‘ I wished to express my regrets for my nephew 's — hasty reaction .
22 Central Council would like to express their gratitude for the many generous donations and gifts which help to maintain the high standard of care given to the Home 's guests .
23 The families , she said , had asked her to express their gratitude for the warm and caring support from everyone there ; they were grateful , too , for the many messages of support and sympathy coming from outside Orkney .
24 Lear asks his three daughters to express their love for him and in turn , he will buy their flattery , give them the amount of land measured by their amount of professed admiration .
25 In order to express their concern for equality and individual autonomy , liberals often insist that certain rights should be fundamental to the framework of society .
26 Readers who wish to express their concern for the fate of the Taiwan Ten should write to : His Excellency Teuku Mohamad Hadi Thayed , The Indonesian Embassy , 38 Grosvenor Square , London W1X 9AD .
27 Children are often reluctant to express their ideas for fear of being wrong .
28 The team at Marham , overseen by Fred Beamish , have produced an aircraft which they proudly boast is one of the best preserved in the country and wish to express their thanks for their help to Pat Waterhouse , a former RAF sergeant painter and finisher now with the RAF Museum at Cardington , who provided invaluable help , Colin Jardine , manager of the Product Support Dept at BAe Manchester who provided all the technical drawings for the finishings and markings , and Sgt Tom Patel at RAF St Athan who supplied all the necessary stencils , enabling all the finer details to be added .
29 Consequently , our lads , whenever they wished to express their contempt for the French , would show them two fingers .
30 Held , allowing the appeal , that where a driver was required to provide a specimen of blood or urine for one of the reasons set out in section 7(3) of the Act of 1988 , or claimed the right to provide such a specimen under section 8(2) , the constable was required by section 7(4) to inform him that the specimen was to be of blood or urine and that it was for the constable to decide which ; but that there was no requirement to invite the driver to express his preference for giving blood or urine ; that if the constable intended to require a specimen of blood , the driver was to be given the right to object on medical grounds to be determined by a medical practitioner or , if the requirement had been made under section 7(3) , for some other reason affording a ‘ reasonable excuse ’ within section 7(6) of the Act ; and that , accordingly , the requirement for the defendant to provide a specimen of blood had complied with section 7(4) ( post , pp. 885G–H , 890D–G , 891A–D , 895B–E , H — 896A ) .
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