Example sentences of "argument that [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The argument that Linguistics-based courses are impracticable , cited a number of difficulties that are real enough , arguing that there is not time in a course already fragmented , and asserting that there were not enough people equipped to design and teach such courses as we envisaged and advocated .
2 The argument that fixed costs are incompatible with scale economies is as follows .
3 It is difficult to sustain the argument that feudal lords ultimately owed their position to biological superiority when a son , no matter what his biological make-up , inherited the status of his father !
4 Similar attitudes were expressed during World War II , when the rapid decline in the birth rate gave additional force to the argument that married women should stay at home .
5 The argument that convicted murderers should be subjected to more rigorous conditions than other long sentenced prisoners was rejected , with the implication that detention for more than ten years should be avoided whenever possible :
6 Harry MacAdoo , then the Church of Ireland archbishop of Dublin , on several occasions put forward the argument that Southern protestants were a minority group with their own culture and traditions , and thus deserved to have schools for themselves in order to hand on their own traditions .
7 Most media organizations and journalists accepted the argument that certain restrictions were necessary for security reasons , but some , in particular US journalists , expressed concern that the ground rules would be used to prevent coverage showing the horrors of battle .
8 These include the Hops Marketing Board and the Nature Conservancy Council , for example , and are justified with the argument that certain functions can best be carried out at arm 's length from central government :
9 The argument that certain kinds of family are becoming privatized has been put by Goldthorpe et al.
10 In their zeal for a long overdue expansion of the tiny electorate , the critics , however , fail to offer a convincing explanation of how any opposition candidates managed to secure election if the whole system was so totally corrupt , for the argument that certain constituencies were blessed with unusually pure and honest voters is not one which carries much conviction .
11 He states that ‘ the argument that all individuals have a right to privacy ( that is to say , freedom from observation , investigation and subsequent publication based on the investigation ) is strong but should be qualified when applied to the police ’ .
12 The key to the theory is obviously the cogency of the argument that all issues of law are ‘ given , ’ to be determined by the courts .
13 There is strength in the argument that poor rates , viewed as a form of local taxation , were wholly different from national taxation in their redistributive effects .
14 This evidence , like the evidence discussed in Children 's Minds , provides support for the argument that young children are not nearly as egocentric as Piaget claimed .
15 Professor Glennerster considered carefully the argument that expensive treatments might be refused by fund holders and found no evidence of that yet .
16 First , there is the dualist 's argument that mental processes can not be physical processes because physical entities — such as neurons - lack certain qualities — such as intentionality or consciousness — that characterize the mental .
17 With this goes the argument that small enterprises tend to be more efficient than larger ones , both in their use of scarce resources and the flexibility of their response to market processes .
18 Even the argument that key settlements offer economies of scale has not remained unscathed .
19 What is the mid-point of the argument that some teachers do not want to reflect , others can never find the time for reflection and others feel it unnecessary ?
20 It has said WABI was created in a clean room , an argument that some sources say implies there was a ‘ dirty room ’ somewhere .
21 Even in a legal system which had the narrowest of definitions of murder — say , premeditated intention to kill — there would still be an argument that some cases which fulfil that criterion should have their label reduced from murder to manslaughter because of extenuating circumstances .
22 Schmeling , a sprightly , dignified 85-year-old , is certainly an argument that some fighters come to no harm , even those who suffer the sort of beating Louis meted out when the pair met again .
23 Schmeling , a sprightly , dignified 85-year-old , is certainly an argument that some fighters come to no harm , even those who suffer the sort of beating Louis meted out when the pair met again .
24 Secondly , you assert Sinead does not have ‘ courage and integrity ’ and then follow this up with an argument that these nouns should be reserved for Mother Theresa and fellow carers .
25 They agree with Cohen 's argument that working-class boys are likely to form and join delinquent subcultures , but they feel he has not taken account of the different and specialised types of subculture that exist .
26 The argument that indirect taxes are to be preferred because they avoid the discrimination against risky investments of a direct tax system can also be rebutted .
27 The argument that high taxes reduce the flow of private savings for investment in industry is only important if one believes that the ownership of industry should be in private hands .
28 He also repeated the NGC 's argument that scientific studies had concluded there was ‘ no proven link ’ between electro-magnetic fields and cancers .
29 also rejected the argument that surrounding circumstances qualified the prima facie meaning of the document .
30 But it is worth noting that though the problems this produces for validation of theory are still not resolved in the social sciences , some researchers comfort themselves with the argument that different theories may agree at least on common working definitions , while a significant body of methodological writers has learnt to love the thorny creature by arguing ( after Max Weber ) that the theory- or value-component is a crucial positive factor in social-science explanation .
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