Example sentences of "depend [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They depend as a rule on the same sorts of schematic stimulus-recognition systems and simple processing seen in less elaborate behaviour .
2 In studying his continuous transformation groups ( groups whose elements depend upon a system of continuously varying parameters satisfying certain differentiability conditions ) Lie was led naturally to study some non-commutative , non-associative algebras subsequently named after him : Lie Algebras .
3 Those who deny their own prejudice and racism will need this image , for their protestations of rationality depend upon a contrast with irrationality .
4 you understand that the honourable gentleman wants to establish that the government has been extraordinarily dilatory , that er there is a massive delay , there is problem for electoral registration officers because that the regulations , the regulations depend upon a directive .
5 Unlike civil servants , who win their jobs by competitive examination , judges depend upon a process of consultation and soundings which reproduces the judiciary in its own image .
6 Conflict is a dynamic process ; and its destructive and long-term effects depend upon a number of factors , not least of which is the inner you , the real person beneath the surface .
7 Both the tempo and the degree of success of man 's striving for freedom depend upon a host of political , cultural and moral as well as economic factors .
8 Well I think you should join up because something 's put in the middle but depends in a game If I was playing against a level player you might just have a very hard crack together , but just to join up gently in the middle .
9 Authorisation is in the hands of the Department of Trade and Industry and depends upon a trust 's deed meeting at least the following conditions :
10 Neuroscience , which depends upon a materialist CTP for the explanatory force of its explanations of the mind , can not , therefore , sustain any claim to be explaining or advancing our understanding of the basis of perception , or of the mind .
11 The speaker 's seif-image ( or rather , self-justification ) of reasonableness depends upon a contrast with what is unreasonable .
12 Allan observes that friendship depends upon a degree of equality between the participants , and that a one-sided caring relationship denies the essential element of reciprocity .
13 She locates the origin of psychology at the historical beginnings of the novel , and using the example of the French writer , Antoine de Sale , indicates that the enactment of betrayal and loss in the early novels depends upon a fantasy of completeness .
14 Skilled reading depends upon a flexibility in the application of component subskills , and so it is with all skills .
15 The foundation is the duty to take care , and whether such a duty exists depends upon a relationship existing , or coming into existence , between the parties which is capable in the particular circumstances of the case of imposing a duty on the one in relation to the other .
16 Whilst counselling is n essentially an intellectual process — mostly it depends upon a facility for empathy with a wide range of other human beings — it is nonetheless very demanding in the sheer volume of literature that has to be read and understood .
17 Thus , a successful plug-compatible strategy depends upon a parity of technology with IBM .
18 The decision about which size generator to buy depends upon a yacht 's battery and the power drain it must handle .
19 The extent to which genes within a family are similar to one another ( that is , the degree of homogeneity in a family ) depends upon a balance between the rate of homogenisation , the rate of mutation and the selective forces that also act on the family .
20 He takes the idea of " culture " and disassembles it into its constituent parts ; he then goes on to argue , or assert , that it depends upon a class system , upon a variety of regionalism and upon the family .
21 His view that letting children run in and out of busy airports smartly avoiding the traffic is perfectly reasonable depends upon a conception of a child which is far narrower than even the sex divide .
22 The success of the police depends upon a sound relationship with the public and the new code is a sensible recognition of that .
23 Like the other examples of structural power , the hierarchical structure creates and depends upon a situation of power imbalance .
24 Successful communication depends upon a recognition and accurate use of the rules and conventions .
25 The issue of delay depends upon a comparison of like with like .
26 If now " independence " is regarded as essential to basic existents , it is clear that nothing that depends upon a relation to something external to itself qualifies as a basic existent in the true sense of the word .
27 But this merely confirms yet again that the idea of numerical diversity of ontological existents is inseparable from the idea of an objective order , and consequently that a clarification of the former idea depends upon a clarification of the sources and the conditions of intelligibility of such an order .
28 The choice of stock revision subjects depends upon a number of factors , foremost among these being the importance of the different subjects to the library 's objectives .
29 The form which is taken by international assistance in the service of process depends upon a number of , necessarily interrelated , factors .
30 He said that in the business of insurance and insurance broking , a successful enterprise depends upon a number of factors which vary according to the nature of the customer , or client , with whom business is done .
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