Example sentences of "thank him for [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well — I was thanking Him for you .
2 I declined his offer of another brandy , made my excuses , and thanking him for his hospitality I left by the back door .
3 A year before his death , Charles had written to Lord Mountbatten , once again thanking him for his help .
4 One was a personal letter from the President of United Motors , Nate Cocello , thanking him for his services to the Corporation .
5 The other was from the Vice President in charge of Overseas ' Operations , thanking him for his personal contribution to the expansion of European Component Operations .
6 At Thanksgiving 1985 , Bush sent North a postcard thanking him for his work ‘ with the hostage thing and in Central America ’ and exhorting him to get some turkey ; North read it out at his trial four years later as evidence of approval , but it was all delightfully vague .
7 I recall thanking him for his consideration , but quite probably I said nothing very definite for my employer went on :
8 He took a sheet of Gordon 's notepaper and typed a short note to Alan Bleath , thanking him for his recent contribution to the stimulating seminar on lenses of a high refractive index , signed this with a fair approximation of Gordon 's hand and put it in one of the ‘ Gordon Beamish : See ? ’ envelopes , addressed to Alan Bleath , 329 Carradine Road , Mitcham .
9 Moments later he was chatting to the C.P.R. Divisional Superintendent , Tom Warner , thanking him for his obviously favourable comments on the broadcast , and he went on , ‘ But seriously , Tom , I want a favour .
10 Afterwards Churchill is supposed to have sent a note to the Marshal , thanking him for his hospitality and reminding him of the details of their verbal agreements of the night before the morning after .
11 Paul wrote to Dr Heatherton as he had intended , thanking him for his trouble and saying that he had called in the hope of meeting him .
12 I send it to the individual 's home and I include a personal note from me thanking him for his achievement .
13 Royal Scottish Chief Executive Ian Offor wrote thanking him for his prompt action and sent him a Fortnum and Mason luxury hamper as a token of appreciation .
14 It was agreed that a letter be sent to Mr Field thanking him for his work as Membership Secretary and on the Committee .
15 My initial reaction was to write back thanking him for his time etc and making a few followup points , but Ive come round to the idea a personal meeting might be nice : - ) )
16 My initial reaction was to write back thanking him for his time etc and making a few followup points , but Ive come round to the idea a personal meeting might be nice : - ) )
17 He would n't chase her after reading the letter she had left for him , politely thanking him for his hospitality and saying she was returning to Palma to complete her work before returning to England .
18 Only yesterday he received a letter from Mr Clinton thanking him for his support .
19 John-William had not cut his wages this time , and no one had thanked him for it .
20 I thanked him for everything and left the orbit of his beaming smile knowing that I was included in the universality of stupid behaviour .
21 I thanked him for his cheering thought and walked over to interrupt Barry who was involved with a small group of well-heeled tourists at the far end of the bar .
22 ‘ Pity to shut you away down here , ’ Mr Priddy said gruffly when she thanked him for his recommendation .
23 He carried on playing despite the pain and was singled out for praise by coach Berbizier who thanked him for his dedication and courage .
24 Ruth thanked him for his information and a few minutes later he raised his hat and walked away .
25 Markby thanked him for his prompt intervention and help .
26 I in turn thanked him for his careful encouragement and support at the various stages of the project .
27 He thanked him for his ‘ integrity and commitment ’ , but added ‘ some of the art funded by the NEA does not have my enthusiastic approval ’ .
28 I thanked him for his help , assured him that we would begin to go through the proper channels tomorrow , and said good-night .
29 She shook her head , thanked him for his co-operation and then headed for the way out .
30 The superintendent thanked him for his help and bade him goodnight but with a distracted air as though her attention were elsewhere .
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