Example sentences of "announce by [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Along with other novelists , playwrights and poets , the three coronation novelists represent something plainly wider and looser than a coterie , though a Movement was promptly announced by a nameless journalist .
2 However , if he does this he will not normally be permitted to post such an offer document within 12 months of the date of the statement , unless an offer for the target is announced by a third party within that period ( Note 3 on Rule 4.2 ) .
3 In an interview with Pravda on Nov. 5 , 1989 , the Soviet Armed Forces Chief of Staff , Col.- Gen. Mikhail Moiseyev , said that of the unilateral cuts in conventional forces announced by the Soviet President , Mikhail Gorbachev , in December 1988 ( see pp. 36412 ; 36440 ) , the Soviet Union had thus far withdrawn 50,320 personnel , 3,118 tanks and 351 aircraft from Eastern Europe and Mongolia ( see p. 36657 ) and from forward Soviet deployments .
4 A unilateral ceasefire announced by the Muslim government to coincide with the lifting of the aid boycott appeared to have reduced shelling around Sarajevo for a third day yesterday .
5 Among other decisions announced by the Supreme Court before its current term ended on June 27 was the ruling in the case of Masson v. New Yorker Magazine .
6 The college 's vote is sent under special seal to Capitol Hill to be formally announced by the new Congress on January 4 .
7 In the week following the decision , cocoa prices rose significantly , although observers attributed this more to other factors , such as political unrest in the world 's largest producer , Côte d'Ivoire [ see pp. 37307-08 ] , continuing dry weather in West Africa and Brazil , and the impact of the anti-inflation policies announced by the new Brazilian government [ see pp. 37312-13 ] .
8 The move , announced by the new French Prime Minister Piere Bérégovoy , was accompanied by a call for other countries which possessed nuclear weapons to make " balanced reductions " in their arsenals .
9 At seven o'clock all the guests assembled in an ante-room known as the Salle des fêtes , to await the arrival of the Imperial couple who were announced by the Grand Chamberlain .
10 Significantly , he chose a conference of Trade Union Executives meeting on January 5th to announce the Government 's commitment to war aims curiously close to those just announced by the Labour Party .
11 Great Britain will meet Holland , the world champions , in their opening match at the Barcelona Olympics , according to the draw announced by the International Hockey Federation .
12 Formal confirmation will be announced by the International Board in Wellington tomorrow afternoon .
13 A £30m clean-up of the River Tees has been announced by the Northumbrian Water company .
14 The industry blames successive governments ' lack of interest in vocational training ; perhaps the new training plans announced by the prime minister this week will help to fill the gap .
15 The judicial commission of inquiry , announced by the Prime Minister , Vere Bird Sr , on April 25 , was duly set up under the chairmanship of a British QC , Louis Blom-Cooper .
16 Detailed terms of reference of the inquiry — wider in scope than the specific case in question — were announced by the Prime Minister , John Major , on Nov. 16 .
17 A plan to clear fell huge areas of lowland tropical rainforest in Irian Jaya ( West Papua ) has been announced by the Indonesian government .
18 The other Nobel prizes for 1991 were announced by the relevant Swedish academies between Oct. 3 and Oct. 16 : ( i ) Literature — Nadine Gordimer , the South African novelist whose " magnificent epic writing " had as its central theme the consequences of apartheid ; ( ii ) Medicine — Erwin Neher and Bert Sakmann , German scientists working on the function of single ion channels in cell physiology ; ( iii ) Economics — Ronald Coase , the veteran UK-born member of the Chicago school and theorist of transaction costs and property rights , relevant to how buyers and sellers are brought together in the free market ; ( iv ) Physics — Pierre-Gilles de Gennes , the French scientist , for his work on applying the study of order and behavioural similarities in molecules to a range of complex materials ; and ( v ) Chemistry — Richard R. Ernst , the Swiss researcher , for contributions to high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance ( NMR ) spectroscopy .
19 A US-financed $35,000,000 military aid programme , announced by the Peruvian government in late April to counter drug production in and left-wing guerrilla control of the Upper Huallaga valley , was held up in May due to a hostile domestic political response .
20 The onset of the cooler hours is announced by the first thuds of tennis balls .
21 The full year financial results announced by the two major auction houses provide a telling demonstration of just how difficult conditions continued to be in 1992 .
22 On Jan. 11 the French government gave its approval for a joint venture known as Eurodynamics to be formed by merging the missile development divisions of British Aerospace and the French group Thomson-CSF , as announced by the two companies on Oct. 16 , 1989 .
23 In a further austerity package announced by the two parties on Sept. 30 , value added tax ( VAT ) on food , transport and tourism was increased from 18 to 21 per cent and general VAT cuts were deferred .
24 After much deliberation the following results were announced by the newly-elected North-Western Federation Chairman , John Fargher .
25 New rules for life insurers were announced by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners ( NAIC ) , the body through which state insurance regulators set nationwide standards , in December 1992 .
26 The merger move had first been announced by the Serbian communists on June 7 , with the Socialist Alliance expressing itself in favour on July 5 .
27 A further cut of 1 per cent was announced by the Australian Reserve Bank on May 16 , following the release of figures for the three months to March which showed the annualized rate of inflation had fallen from 6.9 per cent to 4.9 per cent , the lowest for nine years .
28 Record profits have been announced by the Oxfordshire-based brewery Morland .
29 The agreement on a supranational Bank of Europe , for which a US and Japanese input would be invited , to help Eastern Europe was announced by the French Foreign Minister Mr Roland Dumas .
30 The two have jointly developed an Open Computing environment for MIPS Platform , OCMP , specification based on an expansion of the MIPS applications binary interface developed by Unix System Laboratories Inc and announced by the M-SIG special interest group at this year 's UniForum .
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